Chapter 11

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Cracks Part 2 (Chapter 11)

I tried to avoid as many cracks as I can, as well as the others. Kristoff saw what happened to Flavio and went faster than all of us, but he made sure that he wouldn't step on a crack at the same time. Everything was going smoothly and nothing bad happened. Until...CRACK! Everyone turned to the sound of the crack and saw that Lady Daphne stepped on a crack. I groaned. Why did it have to be Lady Daphne out of all people? She's such a pain. The screen appeared with the machine and faced Lady Daphne. "Lady Daphne, I have a question for you," the mastermind said. "What is it, mastermind?" Lady Daphne asked. "My question is...who are your parents and what do they do for a living?" the mastermind said. Lady Daphne blinked in surprise. "My p-p-parents?" Lady Daphne asked. "Yes, your parents," the mastermind confirmed. "Well, my father is Lord Benjamin Parks and my mother was Lady Rosalind Parks. Father is a fashion illustrator while Mother is a modeler for the trendiest fashion out there," Lady Daphne explained. Was. She said her mother was Lady Rosalind Parks. Does that mean that she's dead? Of course it does. No wonder everyone who reads fashion magazines nowadays is wondering where she's gone. She's a famous modeler who hasn't been seen for ages. Some people say that she's been kidnapped while others say that she disappeared to escape her fans and the pressure of every famous person. Now I know what really happened to her. "How did your mother die?" the mastermind asked. Lady Daphne started to sweat a lot. "Because..." "Because?" Lady Daphne took a deep breath. "She died because it was too much," Lady Daphne finally said. "What was too much?" the mastermind asked. Lady Daphne's face turned red with embarrassment and rage. "Will you ever stop asking questions about my family and getting into everyone's business?!" Lady Daphne exclaimed. "You must answer the question now, or I'll have to assume that you don't know it and kill you," the mastermind said. The machine started to charge up. Lady Daphne pursed her lips. "Fine, I'll answer your stupid questions. But only this one!" Lady Daphne said. The mastermind nodded on the screen. "Go on." I could've sworn I saw a tear escape from Lady Daphne's eyes. "She died because...because she was overwhelmed by how many people were coming to her. She couldn't take it anymore. Then one day...she was gone. I assumed that she murdered herself when no one was looking. Commited suicide." Lady Daphne started to sob. Everyone looked sad. Even Treyvon looked sorry for her. "Alright, well, that settles it. You are free to continue alive, Lady Daphne," the mastermind said. Once the screen and machine disappeared, Treyvon went to Lady Daphne and put an arm on her shoulder. "I'm sorry ya 'ave to go through with dat. At least ya still 'ave yer Pa though," Treyvon said. Lady Daphne didn't look at him. "Father abandoned me right after he found Mother dead in her bed. He couldn't bear to be with me since I reminded him so much of her. So, he left me," Lady Daphne said. Suddenly she looked at him. "Why are you even sad for me? Do you realize that I've been rude to you the whole time we've been here? How can you be so forgiving?" Lady Daphne hissed. Treyvon averted his eyes from hers. "Because I learned a lesson to forgive others. Even when they ruin yer life," Treyvon explained. Lady Daphne's eyes softened. "What happened?" she asked. But Treyvon shook his head. "There's no time for storytellin'. We 'ave to move on," Treyvon said. After a while, we all finished in a few minutes. "Congratulations, survivors, you will now rest until the next game," the mastermind said. "Rest well." Then, he's gone. "When will the next game start?" Francine asked. "I don't know," I said. "Whatever it is, I'm preared!" Treyvon said. "You mean 'prepared,'" Lady Daphne asked. Treyvon looked at her and he surprisingly smiled at her. "Ya know what I mean," he smiled.

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