Chapter 34

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The End (Chapter 34)

"I'm not here to fight you, mastermind. I'm here to help you. I'm here to form an alliance," Kristoff said. The mastermind arched his brow, but he aimed the gun at Kristoff. "Really? Tell me about this alliance, then," he said, as if he didn't believe Krsitoff. Kristoff smiled. "You'll help me with everything I need and I'll help you get everything you need. I'll even go first and kill Treyvon, Arthur and your wife for you," Kristoff said. Dad looked at him suspiciously. "I don't need your help. What makes you think you're even capable of killing them anyway?" he asked. Kristoff grinned wider. "I survived your guards while Mary and Isaac were killed. I told them that I wanted to form an alliance with you," Kristoff said. "That was the reason they allowed you to live, wasn't it?" Dad asked. "Maybe," Kristoff said. "Then I have no use for you," Dad said. Kristoff held up his hands. "Before you kill me, I just wanted to say, don't you not care about Arthur and your wife?" Kristoff asked. I could've sworn Dad winced at the comment. "You're right, I don't," he said. "Then why don't you want me to kill them myself?" he asked. "Because I don't believe you can. You aren't even armed," Dad said. "That's where you're incorrect." Kristoff whipped out a laser gun that looked like the one from the robot that killed Flavio. "If you aren't going to accept the deal, then I'll kill you," Kristoff threatened. "There's no way you're capable of doing so," Dad said. "Yes, I am." Kristoff fired at Dad. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! While Dad fired back at him, his shots were more accurate than Kristoff's. BAM! BAM! BAM! Kristoff ducked and ran towards Dad. The two of them engaged in battle. Dad disarmed Kristoff and Kristoff attempted to do the same, but failed. Dad ended up apprehending Kristoff. "See, you aren't even capable of fighting me while we're both unarmed," Dad said. Kristoff mischievously smiled. "Am I?" he asked. With that, he drew out a knife and STABBED Dad in the abdomen. Dad jerked off of Kristoff and clutched his stomach while gritting his teeth in pain. Kristoff aimed his laser gun at Dad. "Farwell, mastermind. It's time you spend your fair share rotting in hell," he said. Dad didn't even resist. There was nothing he could do. He gave up and surrendered. Kristoff was about to blast Dad when there was a loud BAM! Kristoff fell down to the ground, dead. Someone had shot Kristoff in the heart and killed him. Everyone turned their heads and looked at...Mother. Mother was in tears. "I couldn't just let him kill you like that. I just couldn't," she sobbed. Dad was speechless and surprised. "How? How could you save someone like me? After everything I've done to you. To everyone. I even killed Daphne to lure you here!" he said. "It's because of something you don't understand and will never understand, Blake. It's because I love you," Mother said. She smiled at him. "Maybe someday you will understand." Dad's eyes softened. His expression expressed peace and happiness. "Thank you, Bethany, for attempting to save me, but I'll never forgive myself for putting all of you in misery. I'm sorry." Dad grabbed the laser gun next to Kristoff and aimed it at his heart. "Dad! No!" I cried. I started running towards him. He gently smiled at me. "Goodbye, Arthur. I'm sorry I wasn't the best father for you. I wish I could be a better dad. A better husband. A better person." BOOM! When I got to him, it was too late. He killed himself. He's dead. I hugged him. I cried while hugging him. Mother came as well and joined in. "No, Dad. You never were a bad father. I loved you the whole time. Even when you're evil." Tears spilled down my cheeks. Me and Mother cried while hugging his dead body. 

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