Chapter 29

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Crowbar (Chapter 29)

Arthur's POV...

Me and Treyvon were going to try to penetrate into the mastermind's room. There weren't any guards, but the door was jammed lock. The mastermind must've figured that we'll try to get into his room. He's hiding something for sure, but I'm not sure whether or not he actually wants us to find it. I'll have to be careful. "How do ya plan to bust it open?" Treyvon asked, taking me out of my own thoughts. "First with brute force, but if that doesn't work, I'll...think of something," I said. Treyvon nodded and went towards the door. The truth was, I'm worried about Francine. Out of everyone, she's the only person who I hope survives. She reminds me so much of Mother, it's amazing that she isn't Mother. I know she's not my mom, but I still want her to survive. She's really been growing on me for the past few days. Treyvon walked five feet away from the door, then he charged straight at it. "HIYAH!" he yelled. BAM! The door didn't even open. Of course it wouldn't. The door must be made out of titanium or something. Maybe it's even bulletproof. Treyvon tried again and again, but no matter how much he tried, the door would never open. "I'll think of something else, Treyvon," I said. Treyvon stopped and looked at me. "I don't know what else can open a door, Erthur. Do ya know?" he asked. "Well, there are a number of things that can be used to open a door," I said. "Like?" he asked. "Like a crowbar. We can use a crowbar to forcefully open a door. Maybe we should look for a crowbar or something that has a similar usage to it," I suggested. Treyvon nodded. "I'm guessing dat the white school taught ya a lot?" he asked. I stared at him in disbelief. He was testing my knowledge? Why didn't he just tell me? "Yeah, my school taught me a lot of things, but Dad taught me a lot more about survival and how to designed for violence. I never knew why, though," I said. I started to wonder why he would teach me those things in the first place. I know Dad's an unpredictable person, but I didn't expect him to teach me these specific things. And yet, 10 years later, they are significant for my survival as well as everyone else's. Did he somehow know what will happen 10 years later? No, it must be a coincidence. Besides, he's one those people who get in trouble with the police for things like selling drugs, violence, and sometimes even murder if he's feeling extra crazy. But he never really got caught. No one really suspected it was him. It was because they were too blinded by his appearance to even care about what he's doing. It's because people think he's handsome. Treyvon and I searched everywhere for a crowbar, but we couldn't find one. "It's no use. I'll have to think of something else," I said. Treyvon suddenly had an expression on his face. It looked like he already thought of something. "I 'ave an idea," he said. I expected him to say this. "Alright, Treyvon, let's hear it," I said. Treyvon tapped his chin. "What if we didn't 'ave to look for a crowbar? What if we just borrow one?" he asked. "Actually, that's a good idea. I think I know someone who does have a crowbar with them as well," I said.

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