Chapter 23

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Isaac (Chapter 23)

"Arthur, I can explain. It's not what it looks like!" Francine exclaims. "YOU HAVE A PHONE IN YOUR HAND! THAT PROVES THAT YOU ARE THE MASTERMIND'S PARTNER! BOTH OF YOU!" I exclaimed. "Erthur, wait! Fran is right, we can explain," Treyvon said. "Explain? There's no explaining for you! It's pretty obvious that you're both the mastermind's partner!" "The phone isn't ours!" Francine cried. "What do you mean?" I asked. My curiosity has won. "We found this phone, it isn't actually ours!" Francine explained. They found the phone? But that doesn't prove anything! What if they're lying? "You're lying! I know it!" I said. "Erthur, does it look like we're lying to ya?" Treyvon asked. I studied their faces. "But you're the only ones with a phone! There's no other explanation other than the fact that you're both the mastermind's partners!" I said. "Arthur, think about it logically. We found a phone and you walked in at the exact time? It's too much of a coincidence!" Francine said. "What does that prove?" I asked. "Look," Fracine said. Francine showed me the phone. I read the text messages. They were the same texts I found, except for one minor difference. Right after I left the phone, there was a new message sent. It reads, "What about Francine? Don't you want her dead?" I was surprised. Francine was the one who sent that message. I looked at her. "You're not the one who-" "Texted the mastermind? Yes, I was not the Francine who texted the mastermind," Francine confirmed. I couldn't believe my ears. "But why would the mastermind want to make me believe it's you? And who is the mastermind really talking to?" I asked. I was so confused. "The mastermind wants you and Treyvon to distrust me so that he can kill me in the end. We don't know who the person working for him is. We're still trying to figure out who it is, though," Francine said. "Erm, not trying to ruin the moment or anything, but if we're gonna catch the person working for the mastermind, aren't we supposed to look for 'em?" Treyvon asked. "You're right. Let's go, Arthur," Francine said. "Wait. How are we supposed to find out who is the mastermind's partner?" I asked. They both stopped. "We aven't exactly thought about it...yet," Treyvon sheepishly admitted. "I think I have a plan," I said. "Ah, of course. You're always the person who figures out a plan faster than any one of us can," Francine said. "So, what's your plan?"

A Few Hours Later...

I walked around the corridors. I was looking for someone. "ACHOO!' I looked up and spotted them. "Hey Isaac!" I cheerfully greeted him. "Huh? Oh. Hi," Isaac said. Isaac is one of the other survivors. He's a white man who has white hair. He looks like he's in his 40s. He also has thick glasses with black frames. Isaac looked me up and down and adjusted his glasses. "Hey, you're that kid that screamed at Francine, right? What was your name? Thomas? No, you don't look like a Thomas...maybe I'll just call you Alex. Is that alright, kid?" Isaac asked. I sighed. "For the record, I'm NOT a kid. I'm a 20 year old man who is perfectly capable of taking care of himself on his own. And yes, I don't mind you calling me Alex. My real name is Arthur, though," I said. Isaac looked at me and shrugged. "When you're my age you don't often remember people's names," he muttered. He turned around to leave. "Wait! Isaac! I just wanted to ask you a question..." I said. "Yes? What is it?" he asked, turning around. He seems annoyed. "I was wondering whether or not this is yours?" I asked. I showed him the phone. He studied it. "That is one nice phone if I do say so myself. Wished it was mine. But mine's just an old Nokia phone that one of the guards took away. Shame. I could've called the-" His eyes suddenly looked at the phone. "Hey, Alex, do you think you could call the boys in blue and get us outta here?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow. "You mean the police?" "Yes!" "Well, it doesn't seem like I can. No matter how much I dial 911, it keeps on deleting the numbers. The same happens whenever I try to call anyone. The mastermind must've planted a bug that disables calling in our phones whether we have it or not. He must've thought one of us might be able to get our phone back. The bug's preventing me from calling anyone," I explained. I thought Isaac was going to act all hostile to me and fight me after what I just said (like someone I know. I'm looking at your ghost, Dad.), but he just grunted. "That mastermind chap is one wise guy, ain't he? Can't say I didn't expect this, though. I knew the mastermind would never let us off that easy," Isaac said. Isaac walked away. So he isn't the mastermind's partner. That's good to know. I took out a piece of paper and crossed off the name Isaac. One down. Only three more to go.

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