Chapter 17

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Who'll Survive? (Chapter 17)

Third Person POV With Lady Daphne Parks And The Mastermind...

"No! That'll never happen! They'll save me before then!" Lady Daphne exclaimed. "Oh no they won't. I'll make sure of it," the mastermind said. The mastermind grinned inside his room. He was enjoying this. "You won't kill me!" Lady Daphne said. "And why shouldn't I? We have our deal, don't we? It is almost 10 minutes already," the mastermind mused. Time is going way too fast. Maybe if I keep the mastermind busy he'll forget what he's going to do with me? It's worth a try, Lady Daphne thought. "Can you give me more clues about who you are?" she asked. "Why should I?" the mastermind replied. "Because...uh." What do I say? "Because you want to make things more interesting, don't you?" There was silence. The mastermind wasn't prepared for that. It was true that he wanted to make things interesting. So now he has no choice but to respond. "I won't give you another clue about me, but I will give you a hint. Why did I choose the B.D Skyscraper out of any place in the world? You should be asking questions instead of assuming who I am. You should've asked yourself why you think I was the assistant who killed Dicksen instead of just guessing that I am him. Why would his most trusted assistant kill him? Have you even thought of a motive for that yet?" the mastermind asked. He was throwing questions at Lady Daphne to make her even more confused than she already is. Unsurprisingly, it worked. He made Lady Daphne think of different possibilities. He can see that she's getting frustrated by the look on her face. "I don't know! There's just too many possibilities! He could've killed him because he wanted to run the business himself to become rich, or he could've killed him because he was sick of him, or he could've killed him because he was jealous of his wealth! It could be any of those or it could be something else!" Lady Daphne exclaimed. The mastermind smiled. His plan was working well. "How do you predict everything so easily? You make it look easy, but in reality it's too hard!" she said, exasperated. She's never been this angry or frustrated at something before. She doesn't like it. Not one bit. "It's quite obvious that it isn't easy, Daphne. You just assumed that I managed to guess everything correctly. You are both right and wrong. You see, when I have to predict something I have to do an investigation. I have to think whether or not this person would do this or that this would happen. I accumulate myself with different possibilities and see which one will most likely happen out of all 1 trillion (or less) different outcomes. Luckily, I'm usually right about the possibilities," the mastermind explained. "Then answer me, will we all make it out alive? Will we be saved? Will we all escape the death game?" Lady Daphne asked. There was a long moment of silence before the mastermind answered. "No." Lady Daphne's heart stopped cold. She's had so much hope. She kept on telling herself all those days that she will survive this nightmare. With her friends. That they'll all make it out alive. But now the mastermind has told her that she'll never survive. "However, one of you will survive," the mastermind said. Lady Daphne looked into the empty darkness. She can't see the mastermind, but she pretends that he's right there, looking right at her. "Who? Who will survive?" Lady Daphne asked. She hopes the answer is someone worthy of surviving. But another part of her hopes that it was her who will survive while another part tells her that she is not worthy. The mastermind smiled at her from his room again. "You'll have to find out," he said. "Can't you just tell me now? Aren't you satisfied by how many mysteries you've made me and my friends solve?" Lady Daphne asked. She was getting angry again. To Lady Daphne's surprise, he sighed. "I guess you're right. Fine, I'll tell you who it is, but don't tell me you aren't happy with the results," the mastermind said. Lady Daphne braced herself for the result. Was it Treyvon who'll survive? If it's him, I'm fine with it. She was surprised by how okay she felt if Treyvon was chosen to survive. She wanted to push that feeling away, say that it was nothing, but nothing she can do can make her feel that way. She cared for Treyvon. She cared for everyone in the group. It was amazing how much she's changed. When she first joined her group, she hated Treyvon just because he was black while she was white. She thought Francine was an old hag. She thought Arthur was a spoiled brat of a man. She, herself, was the most vain of them all. But now, she's changed. A lot. She cares about Treyvon's survival now. She sees Francine as a person who, despite being old, is a woman who has hope that cannot be broken. She sees Arthur as a kid (a 20 year old kid) who can do a lot of things. He can solve more mysteries than she can. He was the one who rightly accused Alpa as the Fraud. Any of them can survive the death game. But the mastermind has chosen one and only one. "The one who'll survive is..." "Is?" Lady Daphne asked. The name came out like an anvil dropped on her head. She was not happy with the results. "The person who'll survive is...Arthur."

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