Chapter 21

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The Phone (Chapter 21)

The Next Day...

There hasn't been a death game for a while. I haven't seen the other survivors for a long time too (but I do see Francine and Treyvon frequently). The mastermind has seemed to disappear as well. But the guards were still guarding his room and everything else. I went to the mastermind's room. "Let me in," I said to the guards. None of them responded. But I already knew they were going to do that. I grabbed one of them by the leg and tried to drag them to the floor, but they were too heavy. "LET ME IN NOW!" I demanded. They still stood still. They were like sentinels rather than guards. I sighed. "I need to see the mastermind," I said. Nothing happened. Nothing. Again. I grunted. "Why did I even try this?" I muttered under my breath. As I was about to walk away, I heard the guards...moving. I turned around and saw that they're not blocking the door anymore. I gasped. Seriously? That's what I had to say this whole time?! I just have to say the magic words to get them to let me in?! You know what? I'm too busy to complain. I slowly made my way towards the door and cautiously entered the room. If I was a mastermind where would I be? I walked and walked and walked for ages. The room is ginormous. It's no wonder I can't find a single person here. But everything in the room is neat and organized. It's hard for things to get lost, but easy for someone to get lost here. My eyes suddenly drifted towards something. Some device. It's a phone. The mastermind has a phone? I went towards it and saw that it was unlocked. Strange. It's almost like he wants me to access his phone. Maybe he just has an easy password. Or maybe he wants me to see something. Whatever it is, I have to find out. I accessed the phone and saw that the latest app used is a texting app. I found the app and launched it. The mastermind's contact is flooded with different names. But one name stood out to me the most. This single contact name had my attention the most. Francine. No no no no no. This has to be a coincidence. The mastermind couldn't have texted Francine. Everyone had their devices taken away in the exit. He couldn't be texting her. Hmm, maybe I should read their text conversation just in case. I clicked on the contact named "Francine" and it showed me their whole conversation.


Me: Hello Francine.

Francine: What do you want?

Me: Do you remember the deal we have?

Francine: What deal?

Me: The deal you made.

Francine: Oh, that deal. Yes, I remember, why?

Me: When are you going to do it?

Francine: I'll do it soon. They'll never suspect me.

Me: Good. Everything is going according to plan.

Francine: The plan that probably has something to do with the deal?


Me: Yes. You are a good spy. I like what you did to Lady Daphne. Everyone thinks she killed herself. Keep up the work. Get as close to them as you can, that is when you'll finally be able to murder them and pay your debt.

Francine: Yes, mastermind.

Me: Remember the terms of our deal. If you fail to do it-

Francine: I'll be killed, I know.

Me: Correct.

Francine: Is this the reason why you're texting me? Because you want to remind me of the deal we have and remind me that I'm running out of time?

Me: Yes. Now go and interact with Treyvon and Arthur. I want them dead. Especially Arthur.

Francine: Yes sir.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It can't be true. It can't be true. Can it? Francine was acting strange lately. She has been taking care of Treyvon and me ever since Lady Daphne is gone. Wait. If everything was true, that means that Lady Daphne was murdered by Francine. It might make sense. I remembered what Francine said about Lady Daphne. She knew Lady Daphne wouldn't make it in the end. The mastermind knows and plans everything. Francine knows Lady Daphne won't make it. I see a pattern. Of course she's the mastermind's partner. How can I miss that? She was acting sketchy in the beginning. A cruel realization suddenly dawned on me. I have to warn Treyvon. I turned around and was about to run towards the exit, when I realized someone was standing in my way. "Hello Arthur," the mastermind said. The mastermind. Francine. I couldn't even speak to him. I was way too shocked. The mastermind glanced behind my shoulder. "I see you've found my phone. Although, I was expecting that to happen since it seems like you always like to rummage around in my room. What is it you want to talk about?" the mastermind asked. "Are you and Francine partners?!" I blurted out. I covered my mouth. I wasn't supposed to say that! "Oh. You already read the text messages too? Predictable. I expected that too..." the mastermind trailed off. "W-what are you going to do to me?" I asked. He stood still and stared into my eyes for a long time. Then, he moved in swift speed. He hit me in the neck and everything went dark.

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