Chapter 8

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Mastermind Unmasked (Chapter 8)

"So how are we going to find out who the mastermind is?" Lady Daphne asked. "I don't know. I suppose we gather clues about him-" "That'll take too long. I know a way to know who he is fast. We need to penetrate into his lair and find some secret information about him," I said, cutting Francine off. "How we gonna do dat? I betcha the place is heavily guarded with guards just like the exit is," Treyvon said. That's when I realized something. "Treyvon, why didn't you try fighting the guards to get out of here?" I asked. Treyvon gulped. "They are armed with guns, Erthur. Everytime I try to get out, they always shoot at me. I almost died once! But even if I did manage to escape through the exit, I ave nowhere to go. Dat's why I decided to enter the death game. My folks are homeless people, but we ave jobs working at a gas station. We don't ave enough to buy or rent a house though." There was a hint of sadness and sorrow in Treyvon's eyes. Francine slowly put her arm on his shoulder. "We have each other. We'll survive through all of the games. We'll make it out alive. I promise we will," Francine said. I wanted to say the same thing, but deep down, I knew I can't help my friends. I knew that I had to be the one who escapes alive. I felt sorry that I have to abandon my friends and move on whenever they die, but I have to be the one who stays alive. I want to see my Mother again so badly. I didn't think I would miss her that bad. "I have a plan on how we can get into the door. Even if it is heavily guarded by armed guards," I said, changing the topic. "Wat's yer plan, Erthur?" Treyvon asked. "So here's what's going to happen. Francine, you set up a diversion with Lady Daphne. Make sure not to get shot or killed! Me and Treyvon will then sneak inside the door and we scour the mastermind's lair for any secret information we can find. That's the plan," I said. Lady Daphne gave me a disapproving look. "That's it? You're telling me that's the plan? And what if everything goes wrong?" Lady Daphne asked. "I...we'll figure it out once the time comes," I said. "You mean, you didn't figure it out yet, did you?" Lady Daphne asked. "No...I didn't," I admitted. No one said anything. "You know what? I trust Arthur. I am going to go along with the plan. Even when he doesn't have a backup plan planned," Francine said. Why is she always going with everything that I say or do? You know what, it doesn't matter this time. I'll let it slide for now. At least I'll have one person doing the plan with me. "I'll come with ya too. As I said before, I was craving adventure," Treyvon said. "As long as that adventure isn't the last thing you do, right?" Lady Daphne asked. "I doubt I'll die. Just like Fran, I trust in Erthur too. If you don't wanna come with us, that's fine. You'll know what happened to us when you realized that we're suddenly gone," Treyvon said. Lady Daphne sighed. "I wasn't saying no to you," Lady Daphne said. "I was just saying things. I didn't actually reject your offer to come with you." Treyvon blinked in surprise. "Well, I guess we're all going with the plan, then?" I asked. "Wait, when are we going to set the plan to action?" Lady Daphne asked. "Tonight," "WHAT?! AS IN WE'RE STAYING AFTER 8 PM?! THE MASTERMIND JUST TOLD US ALL THAT WE HAVE CURFEW NOW!" Lady Daphne said. "And you said you agreed with the plan," I reminded her. Lady Daphne went as pale as a ghost. Then out of nowhere, she fainted.

That Night...

Me and Treyvon spotted guards guarding the mastermind's room. As expected. Luckily guards won't stand in the way of my plan. I looked behind me and gave the signal by waving my arms. But nothing happened. What is Francine and Lady Daphne doing? They're supposed to start the diversion while Treyvon and I sneak in! I looked at Treyvon. "What happened?" I mouthed. Treyvon shrugged. He mimed that he'll check on them and see what's going on. I nodded. "I'll watch the room," I mouthed. Treyvon nodded. He walked away. I looked at the guard who was staring straight into space, just like all the other guards I've come across. While I was staring at the guard, I decided to think of some theories of the mastermind. Who is the mastermind? I don't know, but I'll know for sure who he is once I take that mask off of him. I wonder who it is, though. Whoever it is, it seems like I recognize them. I find the mastermind quite familiar looking as if I saw him somewhere. But that can't be true. I couldn't have recognized him. Could I? I suddenly felt unsure of myself. I was sure I didn't know who it was, but there was another part of me who thinks the mastermind looks familiar. But there was one person who I know looks familiar to the mastermind. They both have the same body shape and stare. But there's no way that person can be the mastermind. He's gone. I must be mistaking him for someone else. There's no way that person can be the mastermind. The person's dead! But then again, it'll all make sense why the mastermind was so cruel. I am not sure whether or not the person is cruel enough to want people dead, but he probably is. But there's still no way that person is the mastermind. He's been dead for years! That'll mean that the mastermind is...Dad. he the mastermind? No. Stop thinking that. There's no way he's the mastermind. Stop it. But no matter how much I kept on telling myself that Dad can't be the mastermind, the more I kept on finding evidence that makes it more obvious that it's Dad. The way the guards almost shot Treyvon while they knocked me unconscious. How smart the mastermind was. The way the mastermind used his intelligence to try to get Treyvon to get killed by Alpa by making a guard look at him. The way he wants everyone to die. The mastermind is someone I recognize. It's Dad. He must've faked his death or they thought he was dead, but he was actually alive. That means my friends are in danger. I have no idea what Dad is capable of. I ran to Tryevon. "Treyvon-" I suddenly noticed that Francine and Treyvon were chatting together, but Lady Daphne was nowhere in sight. "Where's Lady Daphne?" I asked. "We have no idea. When I saw the signal, I went to get Daph, but she wasn't there. I didn't know where she went," Francine said. "Where the heck did that she-devil go?! We needed 'er 'ere! Rite now!" Treyvon exclaimed. "Calm down, Treyvon. The guards will hear us," I said. "But what do we do? We can't do the plan without Daph!" Francine whispered. "Yer right. I don't know what to do anymore," Treyvon said. "I think we have to carry on the plan without Lady Daphne," I said. "But how will we distract the guards?" Francine asked. "I'll 'elp you with dat. Erthur can sneak in on 'is on. I'm sure he's capable of it," Treyvon said. "I hope so," I murmured. Francine looked worried and concerned for me, but she nodded and decided to go with the new plan. Treyvon and Francine ran to the guards in their disguises, so that the guards wouldn't recognize them. While I went in and infiltrated the mastermind's room with ease. I cautiously opened the door. CREAK! I slowly walked in. "Hello? Anyone home?" I whispered. I heard something. It sounded like snoring. I saw a shadow seated in a chair. The mastermind. I slowly crept towards the chair and saw that the mastermind was sleeping in a chair. There he is. I approached him and quickly swiped his mask off his face. I finally knew who the mastermind was. The results horrified me. It wasn't Dad. It wasn't even a male. It was a female. It was Lady Daphne. 

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