Chapter 14

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I Know Who You Are Now (Chapter 14)

Arthur Willams Dicksen's POV...

What's taking her so long? She's been in there for hours now. It doesn't take someone this long to find something in that room. Something must've happened. I need to get in there. I was about to go inside of the room, but before I could even reach the door, a million guards came out. They were carrying someone. They were carrying Lady Daphne. Lady Daphne struggled out of their grip. "Let me go! Release me at once!" Lady Daphne cried as she was being dragged somewhere. Francine was about to follow the guards, but Treyvon held her back. When the guards were all gone, he released her. "No!" Francine cried and fell to her knees, crying. "Someone is going to die again! Why? Why would you want to hold me back and let them kill Daph?!" Francine asked Treyvon. It was the first time I saw her angry. There was something familiar to the way she gets mad at people that I feel like I recognize. I can't figure it out, though. "Ya 'ave to be smart 'bout it! We 'ave to come up with a plan to save 'er! Not go without thinkin'," Treyvon said. Francine looked like she wanted to protest, but she sighed. "I guess you're right. We do have to be smart about this. I guess the first thing we figure out is where they're taking her." Francine turned to me. "Any ideas, Arthur?" I don't know. I wanted to tell her that I know where they're taking her, but I don't. "I...think we should follow them," I blurted. Treyvon gave me a look. "What I say 'bout being smart?" Treyvon asked. "We don't have any other ideas, do we?" I said. Treyvon looked at the ground and bit his lip. "Guess so." "I guess that means we're going to be following them, then," I said. Both Francine and Treyvon didn't object this time. "It's gonna be a long day, ain't it?" Treyvon muttered under his breath.

Lady Daphne Park's POV...

"Where are you taking me?!" I exclaimed. The guards, of course, didn't answer me. Of course they won't. The mastermind told them to not speak to anyone or anything. Still, I was determined to get my answer. "Answer me at once!" No answer. What do I do? How do I get them to talk? I sighed. I never plan anything. "Please. Just talk," I begged in desperation. None of them talked. Well, if they aren't going to talk, I am going to find out myself. I looked around and saw that they were dragging me away from anyplace I was familiar with. I suddenly realized that I didn't know where I was. "What the-where am I?" I asked. The guards didn't answer me. I was getting annoyed. "JUST TELL ME WHERE I AM!" I exclaimed. The guards didn't say anything. Again. I give up. The guards suddenly halted to a stop. They dropped me to the floor. "Oof!" I was about to SWEAR at that person, but I suddenly realized that I was in a new location. What is this location? Where am I? I turned around to ask the guards, but they were gone. Where did they go? How did they manage to disappear? They were right next to me a few seconds ago. A light suddenly flashed, blinding me. I shielded my eyes. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." The mastermind. "Where am I?" I asked. I didn't know why I was acting so casual with him. I should be acting aggressive, but I wasn't. "I took you here because you are now a hostage," the mastermind said. He didn't answer my question, but he did tell me why I am here. "How did you know I would access your room and laptop?" I asked. I heard the mastermind chuckle. "Did you really think I would leave my room unprotected for one second? Did you think I would underestimate people and assume they are way too naive to plan a heist and do it? Did you think I wouldn't figure out what you'd go for as soon as you enter? Seems to me like you're the one underestimating people. Bad mistake," the mastermind mused. He is smarter than we think. If he's able to predict that one of us is planning to penetrate into his room, what else did he predict? Does he know whether or not we'll make it out alive? I decided to find out. "What else do you know? Are we going to make it out alive or not?" I asked. The mastermind tutted. "I am the one asking the questions, not you," he said. "There are no questions to be asked, mastermind. You seem to be all-knowing. You know every answer to every question, don't you?" I shot back. The mastermind laughed a maniacal laugh. "And yet I still make sure you four are all alive to make things a lot more...interesting," the mastermind said. I suddenly remembered something. "What does it mean if a person's name is in red while crossed out?" I asked. I remembered looking at the name of someone named Blake Dicksen. "Ah, I am guessing you found out about a particular person? Perhaps a person with a name that begins with B and ends with...E?" the mastermind asked. It's almost like he can read my mind. "Yes. I found a person named Blake Dicksen in your laptop whose name is in red. What does it mean if a name is red?" I asked. "I suppose you might as well know," the mastermind said. "If a person's name is in red, it means the person has been a difficult opponent to defeat. Dicksen was an obstacle. The man's smart about everything. But he ended up meeting his demise when I outsmarted him," the mastermind explained. "Why would you kill him?" I asked. "Because he's done something...wrong. Something even I can't abide," the mastermind said. "What did he do?" "He decided it was a good idea to run the business by himself even though I was the one who worked with him and got him out of the most troublesome troubles imaginable. It's hardly fair. I was the one who deserved to run the business myself," the mastermind said. So that's why he killed him. Wait. He killed him because he thinks he deserves to run the business. Does that mean the mastermind's the assistant that killed Blake? I don't know. I think it's likely. I guess I have to test and see what the mastermind knows in order to test whether or not he's the assistant. "How long have you and Blake know each other?" I asked. "Me and Dicksen? Have you paid any attention to anything I just said? We're mortal enemies and I have been targeting him on my kill list for a while now. Of course I know almost everything about him. I was studying him like a book in order to figure out his weak spots and who or what he's vulnerable to," the mastermind said. So he does know him. He might be lying about the mortal enemies part. He might just be saying that in order to conceal his identity, but I know who he is now. "Mastermind," I said. "Yes?" he asked. "I know who you are now," I said with a smirk on my face. I've got him now. He went quiet for a second. But then I heard him burst out laughing. "As if you'd have figured it out already. But I'll play along, who am I, then?" he asked. I could tell he was trying to contain his laughter. "You are the assistant who murdered Blake Dicksen," I said with confidence. The mastermind stopped laughing and everything was quiet. 

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