Chapter 2: The sight of you gives me the blue.

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"Um, Jennie?" startled by the voice, I turned my head to the side and was faced by none other than Lalisa Manoban. "Your class ended a few minutes ago, I was waiting by the door but I never saw you leave. Are you okay?" a hint of worriedness was visible from her voice, being solicitousness is one of the few traits I gained just from talking to her today. Though the question remains, what are her intentions? All so sudden here she is talking to me, being.. kind? Sweet? My mind clouded by questions unanswered, this is a loadsome.

"I'm okay, I guess I dozed off from feeling the cold, comforting air." Smiling to her in hopes I don't make things awkward again. She smiled in return and offered a hand, these kind of gestures.. honestly Manoban, what do you really want? Growing up and experiencing zero friends is something I'm used to. Anything new, it oftenly scares me and things like this makes me put my guard up without even having a second thought of it.

"I know I look strong but my hand is sort off getting tired here Kim" I chuckled and smiled in response. "My apologies Manoban" Grabbing her hand, it almost felt too good to be true that this woman in front of me, who barely knows me is this sweet. She pulls my hand until we were an inch apart. I could feel her breathing shift every second, is she nervous?

"A-ahh, let's go?" Pulling away, distance separates us. Listening to her chuckling and seeing her smile, something about it makes me feel, comfortable. With her it makes me feel like maybe it's okay, maybe she won't leave or disappear. "Shall we Miss Kim?" Placing my hand across her arm as we walked through the light browned colored walls with vinyl as the flooring, making our way towards the cafeteria.

"I introduce to you, Jennie Kim" Lisa speaks as we arrive in front of both Jisoo Kim and Park Chaeyoung also known as Rosé. "I see you finally had the guts to talk to her Manoban, proud of you" Jisoo replies with the most soothing voice I have ever heard, looking at her made me notice how beautiful her side profile is. Shifting my attention, I end up laying my eyes at the gorgeous blonde who had silky long wavey hair, with cheeks big, she reminds of what a chipmunk would look like. They both look astounding that it made me question whether they are together or not.

"Buzz of Jisoo" Lisa replies, pulling a seat indicating it was mine. Who knew not only was this girl sweet, she's such a gentlewoman as well. Being with a group of people does feel nice, the sight of someone caring for you, someone who loves to tease people and an observant one. Sitting across Rosé gave me a feeling that she was quiet, that or maybe she isn't comfortable with me yet.

"Pleasure to meet you Jennie, I'm Jisoo and this is my girlfriend Rosé" I smiled at Jisoo's statement and felt the sudden rush of feeling relax with them. Most of the time when I do try to interact with people I tend to have my walls so high that every meeting ends up being a catatrosphe. Consequently, I gave up. Learning to appreciate what I have infront of me without forcing anyone was laborious, but it was one of the few things that made me who I am today, a little braver than before.

After some time, class was about to begin again. I bid my goodbye's with them and procceeded with my third period. Wearing my earphones I played Goodnight Baby by Tarune, it was one of the few songs that helped me feel at ease whenever I was feeling overwhelmed or just wanting to escape the reality.

Walking down this dreadful halls it always infallibly remind me that school will always be a place where I feel somewhat safe. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned and was faced by a barbie doll. "Jennie, are you okay?" Asking how I am is definitely something that Lisa's loves doing. Nodding in reply I removed my left earphone, showing her that she has gotten my full attention. "May I?" pointing at the earphone, I handed it to her with a smile and here we are now walking side-by-side. "Do you like it?"

A hum was what I got as her response. "I can change it, if-" She rudely stops me by placing a finger on my lips and decides to give me a thumbs up. "I love it Kim" She smiled. Lalisa Manoban, generous, sweet, kind, definitely have the warmest smile I have ever seen. Somehow the sight of her gives me the blue, the feeling of calmness, cold, relaxation, I could get use to this. Blue might be even my new favorite color.

"Here we are Kim, math. Are you ready?" Scoffing in reply I never really enjoyed math, it was pretty easy to understand but my mental health could barely keep up with it still. She placed her arm around me and gave it a tight squeeze. I never noticed her long, slender fingers, fortuitously it made feel safe, like she can protect me through my rough hours. She hands me the earphone and waved goodbye, it felt nice to walk with someone, cozy.

"I'll catch you later Kim, have a nice day!" She then left and I went on with my life. Another boring hour.

I grabbed my notebook and wrote;

Lisa, the way her name falls out my lips feels perfect. Almost as if she was named Lalisa for me to say. Her eyes, big as a ball but colorful as the rainbow, everything about her is perfect, the way her lips move with every word she could possibly ever say is mesmirizing. With the noise coming from the people and thoughts which are a loadsome, the only thing that outshine them is her. Now I question, Is this what they mean when"I fell in love with you the moment we met, the moment we spoke, the moment I saw you sitting across the room with little to no reason for us to have a conversation."

The idea of falling in love is quite terrifying. but maybe, just maybe I can risk it.. for her. The sight of you gives me the blue, for I never felt something so calming as the sea, relaxing as the air and soothing as the notes that are being played from the piano. Closing my eyes, I felt it again. My mind showered with endless questions about you, but I choose to believe what thy heart desire, and it is to be with you.

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