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After hours of tossing and turning in my sleep, I eventually tore off my blankets and made my way to the rec room. I took the torch I'd found earlier in my drawer with me. The halls were silent and dark. Everyone seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I decided I'd find myself a new book to read. I just didn't have the drive to read a fairy tale book like Harry Potter anymore. Using the light from my torch, I scanned the names of the books in the shelves. One caught my attention. 

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin

A science masterpiece by the Father of Evolution. Now, I wasn't raised in a very religious household but I was taught that a Creator existed, someone who was not of this world, a Divine Power who cared for each and every one of us. I pried the book from the shelf and wondered how any sort of Creator who supposedly cared for us would unleash such horrors on earth. 

I made myself comfortable in one of the chairs, pulled my knees up to my chest and got too reading. It was a generally interesting read, but one line sent chills down my spine as soon as my lips mouthed the words.

One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.

I thought of the individuals in my group. Who were the weak, and who were the strong? Which of us displayed the characteristics needed to survive in this change of environment?

Definitely not me. 

I snapped the book shut, my body suddenly heavy from sleep, and dragged my aching limbs back to my room. The bruises around my ribs were lightening a little bit, but the pain had yet to subside. I figured I might as well try to get a good couple of hours sleep, seeing as my days left alive were most likely going to run out.

'Morning,' a very groggy Rick said as he sat down next to his wife. I gave him a wary smile. Breakfast meant yet another occasion for bonding.

'Are you hung over?' Carl asked, a naughty look on his face. 'Mom said you'd be.'

'Mom is right,' Rick smiled at Carl.

'Mom has that annoying habit.' Lori chimed in. 

I smiled at the family as I spooned eggs into my mouth. I hoped they'd always have each other.

'Eggs, powdered, but I do 'em good. I bet you can't tell.' T-Dog said as he dished more into my plate.

Glenn started moaning, also feeling the after effects of good wine.

'Protein helps the hangover.' T-Dog said to Glenn, also serving him a helping. Glenn's response was to moan loader.

'Where did all this come from?' Rick asked.

'Jenner.' Lori replied. 

'Don't ever ever ever let me drink again.' Glenn mumbled.

I couldn't help but giggle at him. I heard the thuds of Shane's boots as he greeted us. 

'Hey,' Rick responded. 'Feel as bad as I do?'

'Worse,' Shane muttered.

 I raised my eyebrow when I noticed Lori's expression had changed. There was definitely something still going on between the two of them. 

'The hell happened to you?' T-Dog asked Shane. 'Your neck?'

Three long scratch marks stood out harshly against his skin. I gave Lori a discreet look, but she refused to meet my eyes for a second longer.

'Must have done it in my sleep.' Shane answered.

'Never seen you do that before.' Rick said questionably.

Till Death Do Us Part: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now