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I recalled everything. Packing my small red suitcase, trying to flee the apartment I shared with my husband and Merle, but then being blocked by Merle. I remembered him kissing me, touching me, my resisting and punching him infuriated him and then he attacked. I remembered why I had all these bruises, why my ribs were so sore –probably bruised. Merle had nearly beaten me to death, or at least into a coma. I remembered something else. The liquid seeping out of me, my blood stained fingertips… I was pregnant. I didn’t even know it until it had been forcefully terminated. When I came too, Rick’s face was the first I saw. He looked deadly concerned.
‘Do you need to rest? Are you okay?’ He asked frantically.
My response was to vomit again. I rolled over, clutching my abdomen and sobbing at the realisation that the man who killed my unborn baby was standing a few feet away from me.
‘Well, well, well.’ I heard his disgusting voice. ‘Ain’t this a coincidence.’ He laughed heartily.
I shivered and sat up, kicking at the ground to move away from his presence.
‘Get him away from me!’ I yelled my voice breaking. My throat was so thick.
Merle just laughed, making me feel sick again. His attention was diverted to T-Dog and the other man, who were yelling at him. He walked over to them with a bounce in his step. I faintly realised that no one besides Rick and Merle had noticed my little breakdown.
‘Is he your husband?’ Rick asked me with concern and confusion in his voice.
I shook my head. ‘His brother is…Rick he did this to me.’
Rick’s face dropped. He realised what ‘this’ meant. His face twitched a bit. By then, Merle and T-Dog were fighting for some unknown reason, so Rick jumped in. It was clear that T-Dog stood no chance against Merle’s relentless fist. I softly began crying again. I tuned out at the same time again, for how long I didn’t know. But when I came too, I stood up and shuffled over to where Rick stood. He had handcuffed Merle to a pipe. Rick had obviously beaten Merle up. T-Dog looked very weak at the moment too, his face all messed up. I winced at the thought that I probably looked worse than him at one stage. Merle was trying to coax his way out of the cuffs by Andrea. He stopped talking to her when he noticed me standing my Rick.
‘Come here baby,’ He laughed. ‘Why don’t you come give ol’ Merle a hug?’
‘You know him?’ Andrea asked me, confused.
I didn’t reply. Instead I felt rage building. ‘You bastard!’ I yelled at Merle and then lunged for him. I managed to scratch him across his face before he shoved me off. He hooted with laughter as Rick helped me up.
‘Where was that fighting spirit last time I saw you, huh?’ Merle taunted me, his eyes vicious. That was enough to set Rick off. He abruptly let go of me and aimed a fist towards Merle’s head. He hit him square in the jaw. Rick grasped Merle’s shirt with his hands and held him up.
‘I know what you did to her, you inbred piece of shit. I should leave you here to die!’ Rick spat at him.
This, of course, just made Merle laugh. ‘You wouldn’t.’
‘Try me,’ Rick said, venom in his voice. Rick shoved Merle hard back into the pipes and came up to me. He rested a hand on my shoulder and looked me in my eyes.
‘I wish there was more I could do,’ he said sympathetically.
‘Oh, Rick.’ I said my voice breaking. ‘You’ve done more than you can ever imagine.’
Rick nodded his head and gave me a hint of a smile before turning to speak with Glenn and the man named Morales about escaping. I realised I’d grown really attached to Rick. If I had woken up in that hospital room alone and had to wander around myself, I knew for a fact that I would’ve crawled back into the bed and waited to die. I admired Rick, for his courage and leadership. I knew for a fact that whatever Rick would do or decide in the coming future, I would stand right by his side. A sane person would’ve ditched me a long time ago, but Rick didn’t. He had compassion, something that was probably rare in the new world. Instead of throwing me out or putting me down every time I tuned out, he helped me through it. That was something I could never pay back.
I didn’t want to be anywhere near Merle at that moment, but a certain question I had to know the answer to was bugging me, and only he could answer it.
‘Is Daryl alive?’ I asked him in a small voice.
He gazed at me, blood oozing out his mouth, and laughed. ‘Dumb question, honey bun.’
I breathed a sigh of relief.
‘Wh-why didn’t he come for me at the hospital?’ I asked.
Merle’s lip twitched. ‘You wanted nothing to do with him. What was my baby brother supposed to do?’
I didn’t know how to respond. He wanted nothing to do with me. I could’ve figured as much. It was a sad and depressing thought, so I wandered off. I stood in the corner where I first saw Merle. Rick was discussing how to escape with the others. It was clear he had already been assigned the position of leadership. I admired from a distance how at ease he was with leading these people, even after one of them tried to kill him. He was a good man. I turned around, my back to them. I watched the streets below and the buildings ahead. In the faint distance, I recognised the small company almost set to go public that I worked for. I had been working there for three years, the same amount of time I’d lived in Georgia. My boss Liam, a decent man and occasional asshole, promised me that as soon as the company went public I’d start earning a real accountant’s salary. I was naïve enough to believe him. It had taken him three years. A few days before my assault, I remembered my boss announcing that in a week we’d be public and dropping the big news that I was to be CFO. I scoffed now. I wasted three years of my accounting experience on a no name company. But that’s just who I was –weak and naïve. A hand rested on my shoulder and I cautiously turned my head. The hand belonged to Rick.
‘I’m just going downstairs with ‘em, we might’ve found a solution. I’d be at ease knowing you were up here where it’s safe, okay?’ Rick spoke gently.
My eyes involuntarily flickered to where Merle lay when Rick said ‘safe’.
‘He won’t be a problem,’ Rick said firmly. ‘T-Dog will also be here. He seems decent.’
I nodded, trusting Rick whole heartedly. He gave me one last concerned look and headed off with the others. I stayed in my corner of solitude for a solid ten minutes. I absentmindedly watched the walkers from above. My thoughts kept going back to my mother and sister, both whom I missed so much. My sister was like me in many ways –mild, quiet natured and pessimistic. But one thing about Carla was that she wasn’t weak like me. She was fearless and brave. She thought before she spoke. She always tried to put others in consideration. Her husband fell in love with her nature immediately. I wondered if they were both still alive. The iron door banged open. I turned to see a frustrated Rick storming onto the roof with the others close behind. Rick gave me a onceover look, decided that I was fine, and then went back to planning with the others. I vaguely wondered if I should help, but I knew I would be no use in that department. Rick was scanning the streets through binoculars. His face registered like he’d seen something worth seeing. The corners of my mouth lifted into a tiny smile –already Rick had found another option. Rick and the others spoke a while about the next plan, and they seemed decided. Before leaving, Rick paused where I stood again.
‘Came up with something else. Might be dangerous, but don’t worry okay?’ He said.
My brow pulled together. ‘Dangerous?’
‘Don’t worry,’ And with those words he was gone. Glenn, Morales, Andrea, the other woman and T-Dog followed. I was left alone with Merle.
‘Sugar?’ Merle called out as soon as the others left.
My stare was fixed ahead. He didn’t stop calling out. Eventually, I couldn’t bear it anymore and I finally gave in. I slowly turned around and leaned against the perch.
‘Well come on over. Expect me to shout the whole time? Nah, doll.’
I shivered but remained where I was.
‘Come on baby doll! Merle is getting’ lonely here.’ He yelled. I turned my back towards him without acknowledging him. He started making kissing sounds and he whistled now and then. I let out a sigh of frustration and limped over to where he was cuffed, but still remained a distance away. Merle looked up at me and started laughing, spitting out blood when he was done.
‘My baby brother sure had taste.’ Merle said, his eyes running up and down my body. ‘Mmm mm mmm!’ He smacked his lips together.
‘What do you want?’ I meant to say it in confidence, but my words came out like a whisper.
‘You know I love Daryl right?’ He asked.
I found it an odd question, but I nodded.
‘Good. Means ya know I care for him too. So darlin’, that being said, it’d be best if ya keep yer little mouth shut about our last run in.’ His eyes flashed with venom.
I remained as still as I could. My mouth opened to ask why, but he spoke over me.
‘And don’t be askin’ me dumb questions about who, what, why and when. Just listen darlin’. Ya wouldn’t want to be the wedge between two brothers now, would ya?’
I was shocked to my core. He was threatening me not to tell Daryl about why I ended up in the coma.
‘What does he think happened then?’ I breathed.
Merle’s face changed into a duh-expression. ‘Thugs obviously. Looted the whole damn place too.’
I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Was Daryl naïve enough to believe Merle’s cheap story?
‘Where is he now?’ I asked, my insides turning as I waited for the answer.
Merle gave a cocky laugh and was about to answer when the others came rushing through the door to the perch. My eyes immediately noticed that Rick was not with them, Glenn either. My heart rate increased and I flushed.
‘Where’s Rick? Did something happen?’ I asked to no one in particular.
‘Come, look.’ The woman named Jacqui said, handing me her pair of binoculars. She pointed in the direction where I should look, and I did so. Two figures wearing brown coats covered in guts and blood caught my attention, because they were holding weapons.
‘Is that…’ I began to ask.
‘Yes,’ Andrea said.
‘What the hell are they doing?! They could get killed!’ I exclaimed.
Jacqui looked at me reassuringly. ‘Their disguise is working –look!’
I did so again, and I saw that the walkers paid them no attention. I was still deeply concerned. To add to my concerns, the thunderous clouds sounded. Morales and I looked up at the sky, tension on my face. The rain started falling, light at first but more prominent as it continued. Morales tried to assure us that the rain would pass, but I had my doubts. Surely rain this hard will wash their disguises off? I clenched my hands furiously against the perch as I watched them anxiously. I was right of course. Rick had brought his axe down just in time on a walkers head. He and Glenn sprinted off, jumping over the fences to a construction site. They drove away. I frowned. They were leaving? No it couldn’t be, I thought. Rick wouldn’t leave me behind.
‘They’re leaving us,’ Andrea aired my previous thoughts.
‘What? What? What do you mean?’ Merle cried from behind us. Neither of us glanced at him. Everyone expressed their cries. I stood still, knowing this was all part of some bigger plan. The others stood silent for the next few minutes, feeling very rejected. The walkie-talkie buzzed.
‘Those roll up doors at the front of the store facing the street, meet us there and be ready.’ Glenn’s voice said. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone sprang into action, grabbing their bags and running off. I limped in front Andrea and behind Morales.
‘Hey! You can’t leave me here!’ Merle cried out. ‘Morales! C’mon! Erin!’
Upon his calling my name, I froze in my steps. He was right. I couldn’t just leave him there. I turned and slammed into Andrea. She scrunched up her face and close to shoved me through the doorway, her hands smacking hard on my ribs.
‘It doesn’t matter!’ She spat. I nearly lost my balance, but steadied myself on the railing.
‘Don’t touch me,’ I barely managed a whisper.
She glared at me, and then pushed passed me. I was pressed against the wall.
‘C’mon, Rick specifically asked me to make sure you made it back.’ Morales said, speaking gently. He pushed me with some force on my side, causing the pain from Andrea’s push to slightly worsen. I winced, the pain was unbearable and I found that if I complied with Morales it lessened.
‘B-but Merle,’ I dry heaved.
‘T-Dog has the key. He went back.’ He said hastily. I craned my neck and found his statement to be true –no T-Dog. I breathed a sigh of relief and let Morales assist me further. We reached the roll up doors, and Morals let go of me to assist in pulling the chain. We all waited patiently for a signal of some sorts.
‘Shh!’ Morales said, listening.
‘What is that?’ Andrea asked.
It was the shrill sound of a car alarm. T-Dog joined us shortly after that. I didn’t even notice Merle’s absence because a there was a banging on the doors. They rolled up the doors and an open van was parked in front. Rick stood there as well. There wasn’t time for thank you’s so I hurried inside the van. We managed to drive away just before the walkers could get to us. Morales sat up front with Rick and I settled down next to Jacqui. My ribs were on fire again. Rick turned and scanned us all. His features became a bit gentler when he saw me, but confused after that.
‘I dropped the damn key.’ T-Dog said.
My eyebrows shot up and my hand covered my mouth. Only now did I notice Merle’s absence.
No one said anything.
‘Best not to dwell on it,’ Morales spoke to Rick. ‘Merle got left behind. Nobody’s going to be sad he didn’t come back…Except maybe Daryl.’
My head shot up. Did he? My heart rate increased, I felt my face heat up, my skin prickled. No…
‘Daryl?’ Rick asked.
‘His brother,’ Morales said.
Rick craned his neck to look at me. His eyes were narrowed. ‘Erin. Erin!’ He said firmly.
I looked in his eyes. ‘Rick, I’m fine.’ I lied.
‘You know him too?’ Andrea asked rather rudely. ‘What, you and the Dixon brothers not get along before all this.’ She pursed her lips at me. I could see Rick was about to answer her, maybe tell her off and before I could speak up, we all heard the same loud car alarm nearby. We also heard the sound of Glenn’s triumphant whoops.
‘At least somebody’s having a good day.’ Morales muttered.
I sighed in relief. They seemed to have forgotten Andrea’s question. I was glad. I didn’t want to dwell on the explanation. Were Daryl and I still married? Did it count that I was going to file for divorce? I wasn’t sure at all. We drove for some time, eventually taking an off road turn up into the mountains. The nature was beautiful as if unaffected by the world’s events. I half smiles at the realisation that nature would thrive in such conditions. We came to a stop behind a minibus.
‘Come meet everyone,’ Morales gently tapped Rick’s shoulder. ‘You too, Erin.’
The others bolted out of the van, probably eager to go back to their friends and loved ones. Rick and I lingered in the van. He turned around to face me. I was still huddled in my spot.
‘Thank you,’ I whispered. He pulled a pensive face and licked his lips.
‘For what?’
‘Everything.’ I meant it.
He gave me half a smile. ‘Well come on then.’
Rick turned and got out the car. I slowly slid out the back of the van. When I got out and walked around, I froze in my steps. I saw Rick bent over on the floor, holding a kid in his arms and sobbing. My own eyes filled with tears. I knew instantly that that was his kid, Carl. Rick stood and walked to a woman who hugged him ferociously. That was his wife, Lori. I watched the three of them embracing, thinking to myself that they are indeed a beautiful family. I straightened myself up when I realised that I too had family lurking around here. I scanned the small crowd and my heart sank when I couldn’t find him. I walked past the red dodge and before I could look any further, a tall, burly man grabbed my arm. I looked at him, aghast and pained at the same time.
‘Hey, who are you?’ He asked me, scrutiny in his eyes.
His grip on my upper arm was so fierce that I couldn’t answer.
‘She’s with me,’ Rick said firmly, still grasping onto his family.
The man looked down at me. He had thick curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was very intimidating. He slowly eased up his grip and gave me a vague smile.
‘Shane Walsh,’ He introduced himself.
‘Erin,’ was all I managed.
Rick called me over with a wave of his hand. I shyly went up to him and his family. Rick looked at me lovingly, realising his grip on his family to stand beside me. He gently rested an arm around me and smiled.
‘Lori, Carl. This is Erin. She helped me get here.’ He said and the smile could be heard in his voice. I looked at him in disbelief. I did close to nothing to get us where we were, but I smiled at his wife and son. Carl shyly nodded his head at me. I shyly nodded back.
‘Good to meet you,’ Lori said as she embraced me for a tight hug. I involuntarily winced and moaned at the tightness.
‘Ease up there, Lori. She’s badly hurt.’ Rick said in a protective voice. He had put his arm around Lori again.
‘What’s the matter?’ She asked me, concern filling her voice. ‘We could take a look at it?’
I winced again, ‘I don’t think some aspirin will help, but I’m willing to try anything.’
Lori smiled at me reassuringly. Rick’s face became serious.
‘Is he here?’ He asked me quietly. I shook my head.
Lori looked at him in question. Rick looked at me for my approval to tell her I supposed, so I nodded.
‘Is Daryl here?’ Rick asked her.
Lori shook her head. ‘He’s out hunting. Lord knows when he’ll come back.’
Out hunting. That sounded just about right for Dixon. I nodded and swallowed heavily. I didn’t know what would happen when he came back.

Till Death Do Us Part: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now