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'You're one stubborn woman. Hell.' Daryl mumbled, his eyes squint and his mouth in a straight line.

I rolled my eyes –unable to resist the childish urge- and said, 'You know this already. You had to knock me out at the CDC to get me to leave because I was so fixed in my decision to stay, remember?'

'How can I forget?' Daryl folded his arms, looking a bit uncomfortable that I brought that, uh, incident up. 'Was considering doin' the same now.'

'Except now I'm pregnant and you wouldn't dare.' I shot back.

'Exactly, Erin. You're pregnant.' Daryl unfolded his arms and took a step closer to me. 'You shouldn't be leaving the prison for any reason. Don't care what you think you need to do out there.'

'I don't need to do anything out there. I just...I just need fresh air.' I said weakly.

'Then go sit in the courtyard.' Daryl huffed. 'You're not leavin' and that's that.'

I frowned. Yeah sure, a pregnant woman had no business being outside in this walker infested world. But I wasn't even that pregnant yet. I could hold my own. And I just wanted to go for a drive, maybe a little walk out in the woods.

'Daryl I-'

'It's the crazy pregnant hormones, eh?' He interrupted.

'Okay, that's it. I'm going.' I stormed past him. Typical male. The desire for fresh air was now connected to the extra progesterone in my body. Stupid, stupid, stupid Dixon.

'Erin.' Daryl said firmly, gripped around my wrist and swiftly pulled me against him. Really, really against him. His hard stomach muscles pressed against my bump and I quickly rested my hands on his equally hard chest. I pressed myself even closer against him, and Daryl raised his eyebrows. I smiled up at him, batting my eyelashes and forgetting where I was storming off to a second ago. It just seemed so irrelevant when Daryl was so close and so...delicious.

Daryl gently dug his fingers into the small of my back and his lips were on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. His stubble tickled my face and I giggled into his mouth.

'What's so funny, huh?' Daryl said against my lips, in a low voice. 'You think this is funny?'

Daryl moved quickly and had me against the wall next to our cell entrance. He dug his hips into mine. I giggled again. Daryl kissed down my jaw, nibbled on my neck. He swiftly drew the curtain of our cell entrance closed with one hand. His other hand had wandered south, causing my breath to hitch, and all giggling ceased. My eyes rolled close as I savoured his touch. A soft moan escaped my lips, and I felt Daryl's mouth join mine again. He licked my bottom lip as his fingers moved between my thighs. I bit his lip, and he groaned. The air around us felt slicker and tingles shot down my legs. I breathed into his neck. He swiftly removed his fingers and grinded against me. I wrapped one leg around his waist without hesitation, and soon we were moving together against the wall. Hard and slow, he moved. I was in ecstasy. He buried his face in my neck. He gradually moved faster as he neared the end, and I drifted off, my thighs shaking and breath hitching.

Then our cell curtain flew open.

'Hey Erin, I'm leaving soon and-'

Tristan stopped midsentence with a smirk when his eyes caught sight of the horny couple pressed against the wall.

'Well, excuse me.' He pulled a face.

'Get outta here!' Daryl barked, pulling the curtain back close.

I heard a snicker and then, 'I'll wait for you in the courtyard.'

Daryl zipped his pants back up and I regained my composure. I played with my wedding ring, twisting it this way and that. Right. I was on my way out before Daryl worked his magic on me.

Till Death Do Us Part: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now