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Surprise! Yay I updated twice in one week -a miracle haha, i'm just so happy from all the great reviews you guys have been giving me :) please carry on giving me feedback, I love hearing back from you guuys.


'Yeah?' Daryl answered the phone in his rough voice. He placed the receiver on his shoulder. 'It's your mother.'

I groaned and got up from the couch. Daryl eyed me with worry in his eyes as he passed the receiver to me. It was no secret that my mother didn't care much for him.

'Hi, mom.' I said as cheerfully as possible.

'Good news, Erin!' She said in her high voice. 'Guess who's going to be an Aunt?'

'No!' I gasped with glee. I turned to smile at Daryl.

'Yes! Carla is 14 weeks! She just called me.' My mother sounded ecstatic. I smiled ear to ear. I was so happy for my baby sister. I was to expect a call from her anytime as well. Daryl frowned at my excitement, eager to find out what got me so happy.

'Wow, mom, this is great.' I said with a rush. I knew it was always on Carla's heart to have a baby. I glanced at Daryl and momentarily wondered how he felt about children.

'Erin,' my mom's tone became worried. 'Please tell me that was not that Dixon boy who answered the phone.'

I groaned -we had had countless arguments about this topic. 'Can we drop it please? I don't know why you insist on having the same conversation over and over,'

'It's only because I care about you,' She fussed from the other side.

I rubbed my forehead with my hand. You'd swear I was still a child. 'I don't get your problem mom.'

By now, Daryl had probably picked up about what we were talking about. He drifted past me to the kitchen.

'There's something odd about him. How do you know he's not after your money?'

'What money?' I snorted. Although my mother and step-father had a small fortune on their hands, I wanted to have my own separate life.

'Well he must have heard about your famous mother.' She said stiffly. She was looking for any excuse to ridicule my feelings for Daryl. I highly doubted that Daryl knew my mother was a politician in Pennsylvania.

'Enjoy your day, mom.' I said bitterly. 'Or is it grandma now?'

I hung up to my mother's sharp intake of breath, and I looked up to find Daryl watching me, his eyes tinted with a little sadness. I knew it hurt him that my mother didn't approve of us. And he always tried his best to act like it didn't bother him, because he was a Dixon, and Dixon's were tough. But I saw right through that act. I knew he really wanted for my mother to like the idea of us together.

'Carla is pregnant.' I smiled at him.

His brow raised, 'That's great.' But I could still hear that my mother had bothered him.

'I love you, Daryl.' I said. I didn't like the sadness in his eyes. I wanted it to disappear.

He gave me a quick smile but it didn't touch his eyes. My biggest worry was that he would think he wasn't good enough for me. He didn't know it, but he was a better person than me.

I walked over to him, and he wrapped his arms around me. I nuzzled into the warmth of his chest. We held each other in silence. But silence between us was always comforting. He pulled back and his face was rid of the worry. I knew it was a charade, but I smiled back at him.

Till Death Do Us Part: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now