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 'Well, that big kitchen of theirs got me thinking. I wouldn't mind cooking in a real kitchen again.' Carol said as I approached her and Lori hanging washing the next morning. 'Maybe we all pitch in and cook dinner for Hershel and his family tonight.'

'That's a lovely idea, Carol.' I said brightly, as I picked up a garment and hung it up.

Carol smiled at me, but it didn't touch her eyes, and said sadly. 'Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied.'

'After everything they've done for us, seems like the least we could do.' Lori agreed.

'You mind extending the invitation?' Carol asked her. 'Would just feel more right coming from you.'

'How so?' She asked.                             

'You're Rick's wife.' Carol sort of smirked. 'It kind of makes you our unofficial first lady.'

On cue, Rick walked past, greeting everyone, and it brought a smile to Lori's face.

We continued to hang up the washing with some light conversation. Keeping our minds busy with meaningless topics was the only way to stay sane.

'Erin,' I heard Rick's voice call from the truck where he stood over the map. The others had left to search for Sophia again. Only Shane hung around, no doubt waiting for Rick.

'I'll come help in the kitchen later,' I said to Lori and Carol before walking over to Rick.

I folded my arms as soon as I recognised that expression on his face –he was going to start prying.

'Rick, please, don't bother with it.' I sighed.

He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows. 'Well I'm going to anyway. The hell happened yesterday?'

I warily glanced at Shane's presence lurking behind me, and he seemed to get the message as he stalked further off into the distance.

'Well?' Rick demanded.

'You're really nosy.'

Rick didn't respond.

'He ended things with me.' I mumbled.

'It's that simple hey?' Rick's voice dripped with sarcasm. 'I'll go talk to him later on if-'

'No,' I raised my voice. 'I don't want you interfering, Rick.'

He glared at me with confusion, and then slowly shook his head. 'I just , I just can't stand how he treats you, Erin. He's your husband, for better and for worse, not when it suits him. But if that's what you want...'

'It is.' I nodded. 'Thank you for asking, but I don't need your help.'

Rick stared at me, not accepting my response.

'I don't want him in my life anymore, Rick.' I said in a firm voice. The last thing I wanted was for Rick to go and have a man-to-man talk with Daryl.

'Alright,' he said. 'We're off, searchin' for Sophia. I'm sure we'll make progress today.'

'For Carol's sake, I hope you do.'

Rick nodded, but I could see something was still bothering him. He licked his lips and his brow furrowed. 'Look, I know this really doesn't have anythin' to do with me, but you didn't perhaps mention to Daryl about what his brother did to you?'

My heart dropped to my stomach. Shit. I'd forgotten I'd told Rick that Merle was the reason I was in that coma, the day we rode in to Atlanta. The look on my face must have been enough of an answer to Rick.

Till Death Do Us Part: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now