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Merle and I shared somewhat of an awkward moment in which I shot him stares if loathing and he looked nothing but apologetic. Someone, Daryl I think, cleared their throat and we snapped out if it. Boy, this was going to be a bad night for Merle. He shook his head and started beating against the metal sheeting with his fake hand to get us out of Woodbury. We all followed and took off running into the night. We made it back to the car by the time the sun showed its face. Through the rush of adrenaline, I couldn't fully process Merle coming back with us till we made it. I shot him stares of loathing, which he ignored. I bet he was wondering whether I had told Daryl the truth yet. Lucky for him, I didn't. Now Daryl's reaction to what I'd tell him would really be something to witness. Daryl was nothing like his brother, but when angry and provoked he could turn into a beast. I almost felt sorry for Merle -almost. Just when he reunited with his brother, his lies would tear them apart again. I wondered if Daryl would exile Merle once we returned to the prison and learned the truth. I felt the slightest bit of joy at the thought of Merle's upcoming anguish.
Both Michonne and Glenn drew their weapons at the sight of Merle. I didn't blame them. Hell, I would have actually encouraged a fight between the three of them. But I stepped back, keeping my mouth shut, as I leaned against a tree with my arms folded. Angry shouts and protests erupted from almost everyone and Rick desperately tried to calm everyone down. They started to talk things out, but Merle was relentless. He was taunting Michonne, hoping she'd pick a fight.
'So what you gonna do now, Sherriff, huh?' He asked Rick, his voice mocking. 'Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs and cowards-'
'Shut up!' Rick yelled.
'Oh, man, look at this. Pathetic! All these guns and no bullets in them.'
'Merle, shut up!' Daryl spat.
'Shut up yourself!' Merle raised his voice. 'Bunch of pussies you roll-'
But Rick silenced him by knocking him out. Rick gave me a glance followed by a nod. He understood that I in no way wanted him around. Daryl, on the other hand, seemed to be feeling quite different about that. The group then continued to argue about Merle coming back with us. Daryl insisted we could use Merle for his knowledge about the Governor and for the extra muscle, but more because he was his blood. Rick, Glenn and Maggie wouldn't hear of it. Me, I was on the fence. A part of me wanted to leave Merle behind like he left me behind all those months ago at the hospital, but another part of me wanted him to come back so he could face the wrath of his brother once I told him the truth. Then he would be exiled by Daryl. That would be a sort of poetic justice for Merle Dixon. Exiled by the very same person who was defending him now.
'And you're part of our family.' Rick concluded to Daryl. 'But Merle's not.'
'Man, y'all don't know.' Daryl's face was fixed in a frown. 'Fine. We'll fend for ourselves.'
A shiver ran down my spine. What?
'That's not what I was saying.' Glenn said.
'No him. No me.' Daryl spat and then turned to me. 'Come on, Erin, we got each other.'
My mouth fell open at those words, and I stared at the worried faces of Rick, Glenn and Maggie. Daryl took off, and I trailed behind him. He expected me to come with him! Oh God, I couldn't. No way in hell was I going to skip through the wilderness with Merle Dixon.
'Daryl,' I called out but he didn't falter.
'Daryl, wait!'
He stopped and turned, confusion evident in his expression. 'What's wrong?'
'I can't go with you.' I whispered, stepping back.
I couldn't do it. Daryl had yet again shown me that his brother was more important to him than me. Again, he was choosing his brother over me. So much hurt and pain flushed through me. I felt betrayed and abandoned, yet again, as I stood in front of Daryl and watched the confusion and panic spread through his face.
'You're my wife.' Daryl said. 'Never mind everythin' that happened. You're here now and I want you to come with me.'
'I can't do that.' I whispered.
'Don't worry about Merle. You know how he is, he'll come round.'
'This isn't about Merle, Daryl.' I said. But in so many ways it was. Merle was the reason I was left behind by Daryl at the hospital, and now he was the reason Daryl would leave me behind yet again. I knew if I said the right things, if I confessed what happened that day right now, that Daryl wouldn't give Merle a second glance. But that wasn't right. Daryl wouldn't be staying because of me, he'd be staying because he'd feel forced. And I didn't want that. I wanted him to see through his brother's lies himself. I wanted him to stand by my side for once. I wanted him to stop letting Merle interfere with our happiness.
'I don't understand.' He muttered, his eyes darkening with sadness, hurt. 'I know I did you wrong at the farm. But, I promise to make it right. It's just we can't leave Merle behind. He's family. Come with, Erin. I promise I'll make it right.'
I wanted to tell him the truth, I really did. But I couldn't. So I had to lie.
'It's too late.' I whispered, tears glistening in the corners of my eyes. 'You can't make it right. You had so many chances, Daryl. I was so desperate to get my husband back at the farm but you always took the easy way out and shoved me away. I was dumb to think we could work. We're just...we just don't work out together, okay? I thought a lot during this winter, I thought a lot about you. About our marriage, everything'
Daryl stepped back, hurt and pained as he took in my words. His lips were parted, his brow pulled together. He was in so much pain. But that's just what rejection does to you.
'You pushed me away, Daryl and now it's my turn to push you away.'

Till Death Do Us Part: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now