Chapter 25

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"What makes you think he can do that? He's an innocent person!" I yell at the top of my lungs, with Mitch still holding me. Ouch... That's got to hurt his ears.... Sorry buddy. Everyone turns and gasps at me. "Yeah, you heard me right! Why?" I say.

"I'm going to let you go, just this once. Soon you will follow in my shadow." Catanya says, glaring at me. I cross my arms, all while Mitch is hugging me to him, and give her the same face she is giving me right now. Then she twists Rob's arm back again. That's it! I jump out of Mitch's arms, and find my jacket being pulled off. Lexi stands behind me, my jacket in her hands. With a triumphant look, she shreds it to pieces. My wings are displayed for all to see.

I give a small scream, then turn and face towards Catanya. I then pull my wings close to my body, trying to not show them off as much. Everyone, even Catanya, is dead silent, staring at me in shock. I close my eyes when I see the look on Flash's face. He looks like he was betrayed, and it makes me almost cry. I've never had someone look at me like that before, and it is NOT a good feeling. I feel guilty for no reason.

Mitch pulls me to him, trying to stop me from getting myself hurt. I shrug him off, glaring at Catanya. Then I look at Dash, and she looks defeated and like she is about to faint. I am then slammed backward into the wall. A hand closes around my throat. I look up, and see Catanya holding me, a smug look on her face. Well, that won't last for long. I bring me leg up, hitting her in her stomach. She winces, but doesn't let go.

Grabbing her wrists, I pull myself free and flap my wings as hard as I can, flying up to the ceiling. She grabs my ankle, and starts pulling me back down with uncanny strength. I try flying back up, but she is too strong, and slams me to the floor. I see stars, but fly back up to the ceiling.

"You get back here!" she screams, and it is almost like fury is rolling off her in a giant waterfall. I fly up to the ceiling and she looks up at me. Rage is in everything she does, and I glance over at Rob to see if he is okay. He looks a little relieved that I got her off of him, but he isn't safe yet. Ooohhhhhh.. That's not good. I look over at Catanya and I remember that she has wings. Oh dear...

"Great.." I sigh, and float around while she gets back up. Jumping up, she speeds towards me, a hand outstretched to put around my throat. I fly to the side a half of a second before she reaches me, and she crashes into the wall. Ouch... That's gotta hurt... Then I pull my wings and dive to the floor as fast as I can. Pulling my wings back out, I zoom back towards the ceiling and shoot a bolt of magic at her. It collides with her back, and she turns around, clearly mad. It looks like the spell did nothing at all. Uh oh...

She flies towards me and I fly away, and she is just out of reach with my ankle. She braces herself, then propels towards me and grabs my ankle. We crash to the ground, and chaos erupt from the room. Everyone rushes towards us, and Unicity sends a spell around everyone in the room except Catanya. She is pushed back. My friends then run over to me, Mitch in front of them all. He hugs me with all the strength he has, almost shuddering.

"Twi, I thought I lost you." he says, looking worriedly at me. "Are you hurt?" he checks me over, not finding much.

"I'm just a little sore, I guess." I tell him, and he nods. Meanwhile, Jackie and Peony are right in front of Catanya, waving and smiling at her while they are still in the energy field. She is really mad now, trying to shoot at them with all she has. Then Flit and Dash come over and steal me from Mitch, helping me back into the air. I look over at Catanya, and she is staring at Mitch. He must be her next victim. No! I dive in front of him and her spell breaks the barrier, and I deflect it right before it hits me. Whew! She dives out of the way of her own spell, and it hits the wall creating black smoke everywhere. I raise my arms and do a delete spell, making all the smoke vanish. By the time the smoke is gone, Catanya is right next to me, an evil grin on her face.

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