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alex sat on the couch that same night, scrolling through her phone. "i'm right to take another quick shower?" she asked wilbur.

"it's your shower aswell. feel free." wilbur ruffled his hair. alex took her towel and stood up. she shut the door and started the water. getting undressed, her naked body felt the warm water.

alex felt herself stop tensing. she realized she always tensed around wilbur.

the shower lasted longer than she had realized. slipping the towel around, alex mentally face palmed. she had forgotten to bring in pajamas. mentally preparing, alex quietly squeaked the door open. "wilbur?"

the two gazed at each other and his cheeks were now cherry red. "uh, uhm, what's up?" he asked.

"pajamas. they're in my suitcase." "yeah, let me just grab them. for you." he stumbled a little as he handed the clothing to alex, falling on top of her in the process. the only thing that was between him and her was alex's grey towel.

"oh my god." she whispered. wilbur was silent.

"hi." wilbur said quietly. she grinned awkwardly. "can i kiss you?"

alex was taken aback by his request. "kiss me?" he nodded and alex slithered a hand to the back of his neck and slowly pulled him towards her. wilbur held his hands on her towel covered waist and pulled himself closer to her.

wilbur's back pocket vibrated. "that's tommy. he's wondering how our dinner went." "our date?" alex asked, feeling wilbur pull away from her.

"date? yeah, our date." alex nodded and got dressed as wilbur closed the bathroom door.

coming out of the bathroom, hearing wilbur in a conversation with tommy, she exited the hotel room and treaded down to her best friend and brothers room. knocking, they pulled her in.

"so, the date?" "it was really good."

lucine looked at alex's expression, her lips were parted slightly.

"you look super dazed." her brothers glare wore off. lennon smiled. "did something happen between you and wilbur?"

"well..." alex started, feeling nervous, "i finished having a shower, i was in a towel and asked wilbur to grab some pajamas as i forgot to get some."

as she was telling her tale, lucine had an unbeknownst glimmer in her eye.

"he stumbled and fell ontop of me and we stayed like that for like thirty seconds before tommy broke off the moment."

the two basically squealed. alex told them to shut up and a knock on the door broke them from their discussion.

"come in?" alex said. though it was a question.

opening the door, ash, joe and mark were standing there.

finn speaks
god i am a sucker for what i am about to put y'all through

sugar cloud (wilbur soot/quackity)Where stories live. Discover now