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"so, a date with mr soot?" lennon asked as the two waited for wilbur.

alex gasped at the assumption. "it's not a date! he wanted to get dinner tonight at a fancy place. apparently ash is driving us there."

"oh okay," the brother began. "so you two are friends who are going to some fancy restaurant downtown. you two are both dressed up to a t and you're telling me it's not a date?"

"well when you put it like that." alex sighed. "look, it's probably nothing. he would never like me that way anyway."

"oh my god, you fucking like him."

"like who?"

the two turned to see wilbur. his phone was buzzing but he was ignoring it. "no one." lennon said as he waved before brushing past ash. the three made their way through the lobby to the van.

it was definitely a weird vehicle to take to a restaurant. "excited?" wilbur asked the girl, whose knee was bouncing.

"what?" when she looked up, their noses were basically touching. "uh, yeah. i haven't had fancy food in a long time."

the two said goodbye to ash as the entered the restaurant. "reservation for gold?"

"william?" the host asked, his hair in a tight bun. wilbur nodded and she led the two to a table.

"william gold?" alex asked.

wilbur smiled. "that is my name, yes." "why would you take the alias and change your name entirely?"

before wil could respond, a waitress hands them two menus. "before i go, is there anything you would like to drink?" "a gin and lemonade?" alex asked.

"just a soda water for me, thank you." "those will be right with you."

alexandra turned back to her 'date'. "it's so nice to just get out."

"oh yeah?" a soft rumble of wilbur's voice made alex stiffen up a little.

"for sure. i'm so busy with streaming and school that i only ever stay in for dinner."

"i get it, alex." he agreed. "the band is starting to play so many venues that i can't even stream as often. i'm taking so much time to make sure the band is doing alright that i'm putting youtube and streaming on the side lines."

"that must suck. atleast your band is doing brilliant! i mean, before we knew eachother, i was listening to your stuff. it's brilliant music." "thank you. that means so much, alex." "i'm glad."

the waitress came back with the two's drinks of choice and asked if they were ready to order. "yes, may i get the alfredo fettuccine?" wilbur asked. the waitress wrote it down and turned to alex.

"can i have the slow cooked pork burger?"

the waitress walked away with their orders and alex sat back a little, good posture still in mind. "pasta?"

"love it." wilbur answered, a smile on his face.

"i have a question, wil." "ask away." "why did you bring me to this fancy restaurant?"

wilbur was taken aback, "why not lucine or lennon?"

"well..." he took her hand and looked at the brunette. "i like you. i know it's been a month but i know where you stand with me. i know that i have, at least, some feelings towards you." he let out a very nervous breath and alex blushed. her feelings had grown at least tenfold in that minute long confession.

"i really want to kiss you right now." alex admitted.

she knew it was way too early. so did wilbur.

but feelings were feelings and those, for a fact, were mutual.

"your alfredo and your burger." the lady laid down their meals, "before i go, would you two like to share a bottle of our finest red?" alex nodded.

"we would love that." the waitress smiled, nodding and off to fetch the bottle. "i suppose we should wait until it arrives before we dig in?" wilbur laughed at alex as the waitress laid down two glasses. she poured the contents into two wine glasses. "i will take these. enjoy your meals and enjoy your night."

"she was very nice." wilbur commented after the two thanked her.

alex poked the bun with her knife, to which it puffed out. "she was. the bun is perfect. this looks really good." "very creamy."

alex smirked. "y'know. that's what she said." the laugh wilbur let out was transformed into a bit of a bark and surrounding tables gave the two some form of the stink eye. they just covered their mouths and giggled.

"very immature, moony." he referred to alex with her alias and she gasped, kicking him under the table. it was wilbur's turn to gasp.

"says the one who used my internet name." "how about we eat our dinner now, we'll tip and pay and then we'll tease each other when we wait for ash."

"that sounds like a very good plan, wilbur."


"that was a great meal. thank you for paying." alex grinned.

"my pleasure. i took you out so it's only fair if i had paid."

the two sat on a bench placed near the restaurant and awaited ash's arrival. they would never be able to miss the black van he was going to drive. "about what you said way earlier in the evening." wilbur hummed in response to what alex had said. "you having feelings for me."

wilbur looked down at her and laughed. "i'd never lie to you, would i?" "i hope not."

before the two could discuss how they felt, the black vehicle showed up and the two eagerly hopped in.

finn speaks
stop it they like each other akdjkdksmms

also thank you all for over 100 reads!! it means so much :)

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