Chapter 12:Dark Tidings

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(Narrator's POV)

Steven and Heckapoo arrived back on Mewni only to find Meteora waiting for them, causing Heckapoo to immediately go on the defensive.

"What do you want, Meteora? Have you been waiting here for us just so you can mess with Steven again? I know you're the head of the New Magic High Commission but I swear you can be such a….!" Heckapoo began to say until Meteora cut her off.

"I've been waiting here….so that I can apologize. Since you've arrived, Steven, I've been nothing but cold to you. I've treated you horribly. And all because you're an outsider. Truth be told, all I've wanted to do is make amends for what I did before becoming the head of the Commission. But….I've allowed that desire to blind me to many things, particularly how I was criticized when my mother announced that I was to become head of the Commission. Yet she defended her choice and me despite facing criticism herself. My point is this: I've been nothing but a hypocrite towards you and I apologize for my behavior, Steven." She said as Steven smiled.

"It's all right, Meteora. I forgive you. To be fair, I haven't exactly been helping matters by being so secretive about myself, so I apologize for that." The hybrid replied.

"From what Mother has said, you went through quite an ordeal. You lost your family. I see no reason for you to apologize. However, let us discuss this more when I return. Perhaps Mother can join us as well." Meteora said.

"Huh? Where are we off to, Meteora? More Commission business?" Heckapoo asked as Meteora got a grim look on her face.

"No. It's far more serious than your typical business: Toffee has returned. Apparently, during their battle, Star left a small piece of him still intact. And that piece grew and regenerated itself and now Toffee has fully recovered. I'm going after him with some knights. This will be over quick." She explained as Heckapoo looked worried.

"What? Meteora, you're powerful, but there's no way you can handle Toffee on your own. Star needed help from other people just to put him down the first time but even that wasn't enough apparently!" She exclaimed.

"No. I appreciate your concern, but you need to stay here and hold this end. We can't risk both of us going and leaving the castle unattended. I also need someone to inform Star of this as well once she returns. If the worst happens to me, then we need people here to carry on the fight." Meteora said.

"I'll stay here and help as well. I may not know much about who this Toffee is, but I'll do what I can to help out." Steven said as Meteora smiled.

"Thank you, Steven. If something happens to me….please take good care of my mother." Meteora said as she and her platoon of knights took off and headed to confront the newly resurrected Toffee.

"Toffee is a powerful enemy that Star blasted to oblivion years ago. But I guess she wasn't thorough enough. Anyway, Toffee is manipulative as they come. His lies are his power. That and his regeneration. Be in your guard if you encounter him, Steven." Heckapoo said as Steven nodded.

At that moment, the portal opened and Star came through.

"Hey guys. What's with the serious looks?" She asked as Heckapoo explained the situation, causing the young woman to gasp.

"What?!? Toffee is back?!? Damn it, I should have made sure every part of him was gone when we last fought. I won't make the same mistake this time." Star exclaimed as she, Heckapoo and Steven went to go check in with Eclipsa.

Meteora has made amends with Steven but Toffee is back! What will happen when the villian makes his appearance? See ya next chapter!





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