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Siraj internally sighed to herself, trying to muster up the decency to fake moan

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Siraj internally sighed to herself, trying to muster up the decency to fake moan. She honestly didn't even have it in her, and she was tired of laying here pretending to be getting her nut off. This was insane.

"Okay baby, come here." She grabbed his face, pulling him up from in between her legs. To tell the truth, it wasn't even him. Usually he was able to get her off every time. She was aggravated today though, and figured her body must've just followed suit.

"Wassup?" Kyrie had a small frown on his face, not understanding what he had done wrong. It never took this long for him to make her finish.

"I don't know. I'm not in the mood. Thank you though." She chuckled near the end, holding his face as he left a kiss on her lips.

"You saying thank you like you came or somethin'. What, I got an A for effort?" He sucked her bottom lip, and she laughed, pulling her mouth back from his.

"You always get an A baby. Go get me a towel please." She still had a smile on her face as she let his head go, and he chuckled, removing himself from between her legs.

Siraj sat up in the bed once he got up, watching as he made his way to the bathroom. As soon as he was out of sight her smile dropped, and she rolled her eyes. This only irritated her further. She wasn't going to blame him though.

Her phone buzzed on the dresser, and she ignored it while grabbing a damp towel from Kyrie, beginning to clean herself off. She couldn't wait to go home and shower.

"What you doing?" She let go of the towel to grab her phone from Kyrie after he'd picked it up, and his eyebrow rose in a questioning manner.

"When you do shit like that it piss me off. You don't even try to be sneaky, like you don't care or something."

"Be sneaky about what? I don't touch your phone, why you touching mine?" She stood up from the bed, pulling her panties back up her thick thighs.

"You can go through my shit whenever you feel it's necessary. I wasn't even on that shit though, nigga was just tryna check the time and you jumping for yo' shit." He frowned at her, watching as she grabbed her shorts from the floor.

"Just don't want you to get your feelings hurt." She stepped into the black biker shorts, and his frown deepened even further.

That was the truth, too. She knew that he considered her his girlfriend even though she'd made it clear numerous times that she wasn't; and the messages that appeared in her notification bar definitely gave single and ready to mingle. She didn't have time to argue with him about it at this moment.

"What that mean? I know yo' ass get around. That shit don't hurt my feelings." He picked his own phone up, and now it was her turn to frown.

"Kyrie don't piss me off 'cause I'm already mad as it is. You know damn well you the only nigga touching me. I'm not even finna entertain you." She pulled her shirt over her head while simultaneously rolling her eyes.

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