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"TT, will you live with me now?" Eriah asked what had to be her one hundredth question since she'd been awake, putting a forkful of eggs in her mouth

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"TT, will you live with me now?" Eriah asked what had to be her one hundredth question since she'd been awake, putting a forkful of eggs in her mouth.

"No baby. I just spent the night." She chuckled, standing over the stove of breakfast she'd cooked. It wasn't much; just some eggs, turkey bacon, breakfast potatoes, smoked sausage and fluffy french toast.

It was kind of second nature to make breakfast now, and even though the pain in her body was on ten, she figured she would feed Eriah some real food to give her a break from all the fast food she ate on the daily.

She seemed to be appreciative too, given she was already finishing up her second plate.

"Oh, okay. Will you spend more nights? With my cousin, too?" Eriah asked another question, and it immediately dampened Siraj's mood. She missed her baby so bad and it had only been a couple of hours.

Exodus wasn't picking up her calls and her messages were green, which she assumed was payback for his own calls and messages failing to go through last night. It wasn't purposeful though, her phone had died and she wasn't thinking straight enough to put it on the charger.

When she'd fallen asleep last night, she hadn't even meant to. Sleep was just the quickest way to calm her down and it happened without her noticing. She didn't realize how late it had gotten either, so she didn't blame him for being upset with her, nor was she upset with him because of it.

She was definitely upset at the way he had pushed her though-whether he had meant to or not, he didn't even bother to check and see if she was okay. Then he took Essence after she had asked for her twice while she cried so hard that her tiny face turned red.

Remembering the look on her baby's face as she was carried out by Exodus made her want to cry all over again. She had done enough of that through the night though. Her puffy eyes and shedding lash extensions were enough proof of that.

"Maybe pooh. I'll be right back, okay?" Siraj kissed her cheek, and she nodded, too focused on her iPad to question where her auntie was going.

Siraj carried a plate full of food back to Emari, ignoring the sinking feeling of guilt in her stomach. She didn't know why it felt like she was cheating on Exodus, just by making him a plate of food; not that she cared too much about how Exodus felt about anything as of right now.

"I made breakfast. You hungry?" Her tone was soft but raspy due to the way she'd cried for hours, holding the plate out to him as he woke all the way up.

He had slept in longer than normal today because he'd spent all night consoling Siraj while she cried and cried and cried some more. There was just too much going on for her emotions to handle, and crying was the only way she could express that.

She wanted so badly to talk to her brother about everything but she didn't want to cause anymore drama between him and Exodus. They had just got back to how they used to be, and she didn't want to be the one to ruin that for the second time.

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