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Siraj laid her head on the headrest of her seat, her eyes closed to stop the sunlight from beaming into them

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Siraj laid her head on the headrest of her seat, her eyes closed to stop the sunlight from beaming into them. The light constantly made her head hurt, which triggered her morning sickness, and she just didn't feel like dealing with that right now.

Honestly, she didn't understand how moms did it-especially the moms that had more than one kid. Every time she got nauseous she wanted to run to the clinic to tell them to get this baby out of her. She hadn't yet, luckily. The morning sickness was getting old though.

She was currently sitting outside of the house her best friend, Zara, shared with her boyfriend, and was trying to gain the courage to walk in and tell Zara that she was almost two months pregnant with her brother's baby.

What way would be best to put it? She didn't know. That's probably why she'd been sitting out there for going on half an hour now, unsure of how to break the news. On top of that, she would also be asking her opinion on an abortion. She really just wanted to know how the process went, and Zara would know since she'd had one a year ago.

Out of everyone around her, Siraj knew that Zara would never judge her. Not for being with her brother's best-friend that was ten years older than her, or for getting pregnant by him, for that matter. At least she hoped she wouldn't.

"Sista?!" Zara's voice could be heard from the front door, and when Siraj turned her head, she saw her heading her way with a bag from Subway in her hands. She didn't even see the doordash deliverer park in front of her car.

"Sista you crying?" Her car door opened, and Zara's arms wasted no time to go around her body. That was another thing she hadn't realized; the wetness on her cheeks.

"Oh my god, I didn't even notice." She chuckled, sniffling as she used the back of her hand to wipe her face dry.

"What you doing sitting out here? Why are you crying? Come on, get out." Zara guided her to step out of the car, shutting the door once she was out.

Siraj held her hand, letting her lead the way into the house so that she could make sure she was alright. It was rare to see Siraj crying about something that seemed so serious. Usually, she only cried when somebody wouldn't buy something for her, spoiled at its best.

When they made it inside, Zara had to go tell her boyfriend that she would be in the living room with Siraj, and also gave him his food while she was back there. Luckily, she was previously being greedy and had ordered herself two sandwiches, now deciding to give one to her best friend.

"So? What's good? Why you crying?" Zara folded her legs underneath herself after giving Siraj the second sandwich.

"I'm pregnant." Siraj didn't even sugarcoat what the issue was, watching as Zara's mouth fell open in genuine shock.

"Bitch!" She shrieked, and then covered her mouth in shock at her own outburst while Siraj couldn't help but to let out a laugh. That was the only response she'd expected from her, for real.

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