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Siraj leaned her head down, rubbing her nose gently across Essence's nose as she used her tiny hands to grope at Siraj's face

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Siraj leaned her head down, rubbing her nose gently across Essence's nose as she used her tiny hands to grope at Siraj's face. Her hands were covered in small mittens because she couldn't seem to stop scratching at her skin.

There were marks visible on her fair skin from where she'd accidentally cut herself, and Siraj cried the first time she seen it, being dramatic as usual. They were using small amount of organic coconut oil to help heal it, and the mittens too of course.

"Be still mama." Exodus said from behind her, making her smile as she lifted her head to be in the position it previously was in. He guided another piece of her hair between the pressers of a flat iron, then let it fall down her back.

He was currently straightening her bundles for her while she breastfed Essence-who had been cranky all morning from typical infant tantrums, nothing that they should've been too worried about. She whined when Exodus held her though, and only wanted to be in Siraj's arms for right now.

Today, Essence turned three weeks old, which meant she was only one week away from being on this earth for an entire month. Siraj was excited like it would be an actual birthday or something. Raising Essence had been an incredible experience so far, even though it hadn't even been that long.

Since the day the family had left the hospital, nobody had seen Essence besides through FaceTime because Siraj had heard too much about RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, and was advised by her doctors against close contact with too many people until at least a couple of weeks after birth.

Both sides of the family had respected the boundaries she set in place, and she and Exodus were very appreciative of it. To be completely transparent though, it had been a little hard not being able to let Zara or one of their mothers come over to watch Essence to give them a munch needed break-as guilty as wanting a break made them feel.

There were days where either Siraj or Exodus, or even both, were unable to get any sleep because of Essence being too cranky, mildly sick, or just up all night for no reason. It was draining, but they were making it work, together.

When Essence woke up calm and cooed for them, it made all the long and tiresome nights worth it. They wouldn't trade her for any other baby in the world. She was perfect, even with her smelly poopy diapers and chunky, textured throw up.

"I'm done. That shit look good as fu-I mean, it's on fleek. Period." He swiped under his chin like how she always did, making her laugh.

"Never did you say on fleek. Sometimes I forget you're almost forty."

"I'm 32. Shut yo' ass up lil' girl 'for I take these bundles out." He mushed her head forwards, and she laughed again as he began putting up her hair stuff.

Yesterday was her first time leaving the house since giving birth, and she cried most of the few hours that she was gone. Exodus had paid for her to have a complete self-care day since she definitely deserved it, and she got her hair, nails, and lash extensions done.

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