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Leaning over the table, Siraj picked up a forkful of her best friend's chicken salad, putting her folded pointer finger to her mouth after taking a bite of it

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Leaning over the table, Siraj picked up a forkful of her best friend's chicken salad, putting her folded pointer finger to her mouth after taking a bite of it.

"Mmm, y'all better come over here and get y'all one of these." She mocked a TikTok video she'd seen on her for you page, causing Emari to laugh at the viral reference.

"What is it?"

"It's a chicken salad."

"From where?"

"81st Deli. Superior." She pointed at his camera since he was now recording her, before both of them laughed together.

"Man you corny as hell. Sound just like that girl from dat' video." He shook his head at her, taking a bite from his chicken salad as well.

The two of them were currently out to eat at a new restaurant that had just opened up down the street from Emari's house, spending time together since Siraj hadn't seen him the last few days.

Her man, Exodus, definitely was selfish when it came to who was able to take up her time. She barely got to spend time with her friends anymore because she was always with him now. He didn't mean any harm though, he just really enjoyed being with her.

Emari had also been flying back and forth to Atlanta to do promotions and brand deals, so she was happy that she was able to be with him today. She'd been missing him recently. She wasn't used to him always being gone like this, and when he was, he usually took her with him.

He'd been letting business and music occupy most of his time to hide the fact that he was sad about not having his daughter. He hadn't saw her in almost two weeks, which was causing him to internally shut down since she was literally his sanity.

After telling Siraj what had been going on with his baby's mother, Alaysia, she was just as upset as she was. It was a party that the whole city was supposed to be attending tonight, and Siraj had made it her business to go because she knew Alaysia would pop out.

One thing about it, Siraj didn't play about hers. She had already fought Alaysia twice, winning both obviously, but the girl hadn't seemed to learn her lesson. Each time though, she became cordial with Emari for months on end just to avoid another altercation with Siraj.

The family already didn't like Alaysia since she'd basically trapped Emari when he was only 17 and she was 25, granted he shouldn't have been tangled up with a woman that much older than him anyway. She caught a charge behind it too after Emari's mother sought legal action against her for being with her son who was still a minor at the time.

That was the reason Siraj had fought her the first time; her and Zara had actually jumped her then. Nothing was off limits in street fighting so neither of them regretted it, and would do it again if Zara and Emari's mother told them to.

Snapping from her thoughts, Siraj picked her phone up from the table once it buzzed with another notification, and she decided to check up on the post she'd made on Instagram an hour ago since that's where most of the notifications were coming from.

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