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After seeing Siraj twitch in her sleep, Exodus stopped the movement of his hands, waiting to see if the coast was clear

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After seeing Siraj twitch in her sleep, Exodus stopped the movement of his hands, waiting to see if the coast was clear. She hated when he rubbed her belly while she slept because it made her baby active, but he just couldn't keep his hands to himself. He loved playing with his daughter.

It seemed like she had dozed back off, so he gently poked near the top of her stomach since that's where it hurt the least, and his smile grew once his daughter pushed back. They had been doing that for an hour now, and surprisingly, Siraj had remained asleep the whole time.

Usually she would wake up and fuss at him, but their daughter wasn't being rough on her belly today.

"Shit." Siraj groaned, and Exodus realized he'd spoke too soon because after he pressed the side of her stomach, the baby repeatedly kicked there, before turning around inside of Siraj.

He could see his daughter's literal limbs as she changed her position, stretching Siraj's skin a bit to give herself some more room, he supposed. Every day he noticed just how powerful women truly were.

"Come on mama, go get on yo' ball." He lifted up to look at her face, referring to the birthing ball she'd gotten as a gift from the baby shower that was supposed to send her into labor early.

She was due in one week, but her obstetrician had told her to expect the baby literally any day now. She was already dilated three centimeters, and her midwife came over often to check if she was any further so that they could get her prepared for birth.

The ball had been helping a lot, especially when she got contractions. She'd never felt any pain like it, and she knew the pain of a natural vaginal birth would hurt even worse. It was safe to say that she was scared shitless.

"No, get out of my face Exodus. Why are you messing with her?" She sat up, already losing her breath as she waited for her daughter to get herself situated.

"We bored. You been sleep all day yo." He chuckled, raising himself up so that he could kiss her. He smiled when she pushed him away, obviously irritated.

"Move Exodus." She mumbled, her head unintentionally tilting to the side from how he was kissing her cheek.

"You finna go back to sleep? Siraj I just said I'm bored." He playfully frowned at her, watching as she waved him off, laying on her back again.

"And I'm pregnant. Guess we're even." She rubbed her eyes, grabbing the blanket to pull it back over her body while he laughed.

"What you getting the cover for if you just gone be hot in five minutes?"

"Exodus stop questioning me before I un-babydaddy you." She replied, turning to lay on her side. She wanted to lay on her stomach because it was more comfortable than laying on her back, but her stomach had become too big to fit in her pregnancy pillow. She was so ready for this to be over.

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