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Siraj brought her hand up to wipe away the tears on her face, a low sniffle coming from her as she rested her head on the side of the tub

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Siraj brought her hand up to wipe away the tears on her face, a low sniffle coming from her as she rested her head on the side of the tub. She just wanted to get in the bed and go to sleep, but couldn't because of her morning sickness.

Every time she laid down, nausea set in so randomly. It seemed to only happen when she tried to go to sleep, too. She was so sick-literally-of this, and couldn't wait for this part of pregnancy to be over.

"Don't cry mama. I'm sorry." Exodus used a warm towel to clean her mouth out, trying to be of as much help as he could. He felt bad since the reason she was throwing up was most likely in result of the breakfast he'd bought about an hour ago.

"Can you go get my water from off the dresser please?" She tiredly asked, and he nodded, standing upright to go do as told.

A few moments later he came back in the bathroom with Siraj's cold water bottle that had a straw in it-because for some reason she could no longer drink anything unless it had a straw to go with it. Pregnancy did wild things to a woman's sensory system.

After she had drank from it, Exodus hooked his arms under hers to guide her up, helping her stand on her feet. Then he used a scrunchie from off of the counter to tie her hair up so that it wouldn't be so bothersome in her face.

"Thank you babydaddy." She covered her mouth as she yawned, turning her body to face the sink to start the process of brushing her teeth. He told her that it was fine, and moved to stand behind her.

In the mirror, the view of Siraj's body could be seen since she was only wearing a bra and a pair of cartoon boxers. She was now nearing the three month mark in her pregnancy, the end of the first trimester. Her stomach was finally noticeable, and a line was forming in the middle of it.

Exodus loved watching her belly grow and admired how pregnancy changed her appearance in general. There were new stretch marks lined near her hips, lower stomach, and on her growing breasts. She hadn't really noticed too much, but Exodus noticed it all.

Obviously he'd never gotten anyone pregnant before, so doing this for the first time had made him way more attentive towards her.

He wanted to be there for everything during Siraj's pregnancy; all the doctor visits and check-ups, helping satisfy her weird cravings, rubbing her swole feet, watching her waddle when her stomach got even bigger. Surprisingly, it was all he talked about.

"C'mon fat girl," Exodus leaned over to pick her up bridal style, and one of her arms went around his neck, letting him carry her back to the bed.

"I'm hungry again." She mumbled, holding the bottom of her stomach as she was laid underneath the covers.

"What you wanna eat?" He chuckled, reaching over to grab his phone from the dresser so that she could order from Doordash. Before she could answer, both of their faces frowned up at the sound of her alarm system letting her know that her front door had just been opened.

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