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Throwing her arm over her eyes, Siraj groaned to herself, wishing her headache would just go away

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Throwing her arm over her eyes, Siraj groaned to herself, wishing her headache would just go away. She wasn't even sure where it originated from. The black out curtains in the room were closed, so there wasn't even any light peeking through, and she'd already eaten breakfast this morning.

She was trying to let sleep consume her so badly, but her body wasn't on the same page as her brain. The heating pad on her stomach was helping a little though, making her become even drowsier. Hopefully she could fall asleep soon.

Siraj was currently in her bedroom that was at her parents house since it was the first Sunday of the month, which meant that family dinner was taking place. And by family, that included literally everyone in their immediate circle.

Cornbread, greens, fried chicken, fried catfish, macaroni, candied yams, and beans were all on the menu for tonight. For dessert, peach cobbler pudding and sweet pecan pie. Siraj literally couldn't wait.

She hoped her baby would let her eat tonight because she hadn't been able to in a few days. The fatigue and nausea that prevented her from eating was most likely a result of the four positive pregnancy tests in the bottom of her purse.

"Raj! Come down here and speak to yo' granny, girl!" Her father shouted from downstairs, and she almost ignored him until she heard her grandmother's voice.

Pulling the cover back, she stood from the bed, putting her house slippers on. She pulled her boxer briefs down from between her thighs, masking a yawn as she exited the bedroom. Instead of going down the steps, she decided to ride the elevator.

"Bug come try this real quick," Her mother, Sinatra, called from the kitchen as soon as the elevator doors opened.

"What is it?" Siraj asked, her stomach growling at the scent of food.

"What the hell is Big Mama talking about? Having dreams about fish, Siraj?" Her mother whispered to her, and Siraj frowned because no way was she just tricked into this conversation.

"Mama how I'm 'posed to know? You ain't got no food for me?" She whispered back, laughing once Sinatra smacked her lips.

"You know how you 'posed to know girl. Are you pregnant?" Her hands went to her waist while Siraj internally took a second to think about if she wanted to tell her.

"No, I'm not pregnant ma. Now can I have some food please?" She went against telling the truth, and she knew that her mother could tell that she was lying. Surprisingly, she decided not to say anything, only nodding.

"Okay girl. I'll ask you again tomorrow." Sinatra held up a forkful of greens and turkey meat, letting Siraj take a bite from it.

"You're delusional. That's good though, them turkey necks in there?" She peeked into the pot after laughing, her stomach growling even more when she saw that it was.

She went on to talk with her mother for a few minutes longer, then went out into the large living room area to go and sit with her dad's mom, Aretha, which was her original task.

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