Chapter 7: At the Shinonomes

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This not KanaMafu focused, it's basically an explanation on how Ena and Mafuyu met and what happened to them and credits to Akito for story telling (believe me his storytelling is a 10/10 here)!!! Also out of context question but is it just me or i've been getting loud house videos on my fyp, anyways to the story

I arrive at the house of the Shinonomes, it's been a while since I've been here. I press the doorbell button (idk what I was thinking here) and Ena opened "Mafuyu! You're finally, hopefully you don't mind my brother making too much noise today"  "It's fine, can you let me in though" "Oh, right" Ena finally let me in and I see Akiyama sleeping on their couch. "Akiyama is here?" "Yep!"

 Ena starts rabbling about Akiyama, as she rambles I heard footsteps coming down "Ena, your girlfriend is here?" "Akito, I already told you me and Mafuyu aren't dating anymore" Akito still says that? "Oh right, I forgot" He sat in a sit (i almost placed shit here) "You know dad's gonna kill you if he sees that you brought Asahina and that pink head here" "Their name is Akiyama Mizuki not pink head" And there they go arguing, I wonder if Akiyama will be still sleeping after this.

After a their argument, and Akiyama still sleeping "Remember when you guys met in the middle school, Ena kept rambling about you when she got a crush on you, she rambled about you like how she rambles about pink head" Ena blushed super hard, probably because it was a super embarrassing story or about the fact that Akito basically said that she rambles a lot about Akiyama. "And when she confessed to you, she was so heart eyes and stuff." He continues rambling about the past while Ena blushing.

Ah, I remember when me and Ena used to date, the day we met was in our classroom, we were forced to introduce ourselves to the class. Ena came up to me during our break "Hi I'm Shinonome Ena! I'm one of your classmates" I looked at Ena, she was happy looking and led her hand out for me to hold, I held her hand and we became close friends.

I started to notice Ena was acting weird after a year we became friends, like she blushed a lot around me and even started remembering small little things I said. How oblivious was I to those signs again?? I too did the same, but didn't feel a thing for her. But when she confessed to me, I felt a spark that I loved her so I accepted her feelings and started dating, she would always invite me over to her house which is how Akito knew me as her girlfriend.

After 2 years, she broke up with me which is when we were already first year. It was when I was in my lowest states, Ena knew that fact and still broke up with me. Which made me want to die more than ever (yes this is chapter 1), until Kanade stopped me and whatever happened after that made me make up with Ena. She was so sorry when we met up, I forgave her.

Akiyama finally woke up after Akito's long ramble about the past "Lil' bro? You talk so loud that I woke up" "I don't talk that loud, also stop calling me Lil' bro, I'm not much younger than you" It is true that Akito talks a bit loud in rambling just like Ena, like sister like brother. Kanade should meet Akito, actually why am I thinking Kanade right now? Oh well doesn't matter right now, I should be focusing on what Akiyama is saying.

I leave the Shinonomes, I wanted to visit Kanade but decided not to, cause I was tired and went home. I went into my house, "Mom, what's for dinner?" "Your favorite! My cooking" My mother said with a happy smile "Okay.." I said then went to my room waiting for the food, I had nothing to do since I had finished my homework the day before, so I decided to sleep, because why not, hearing the Shinonomes talk for a long time really loudly is tiring.

No dreams, it was darkness then I woke up hearing my mother saying it was time for dinner, I went, ate the food (I almost placed foot here) and since i had just slept for like 2 minutes, I went back to sleep with many notifications, because was too tired. Finally I get a dream with my parents being happy I was a doctor, but yet I was the only one who wasn't happy, I didn't want to be a doctor. But if being a doctor makes my parents happy, I willingly to become a doctor.

Pretty short today and early published because I manage to finish the same day as chapter 6, Idk how and why, also I might upload slower because I have a week full for test next week so, I'll try my best to upload as fast I can. Also next chapter is the next day after this, it is KanaMafu focused this time I swear, k til next chapter also I'm gonna do Pareo pulls with 40 pulls hopefully I get her, okay fr this time, til next chapter.

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