Chapter 9: Lost like a child

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It's not everyday I get a day off, so I took this free day to hang out with Kanade, no Ena or Akiyama, just Kanade. We already planned it a week before so I hoped that Kanade didn't forget about it, while waiting I saw a child, they seemed lost, I didn't bother them at first til they came up to me "Can you help me find my mother please? I got lost" The child looked close to crying, must have been the fear of getting lost, "Of course, I'll help. Where was the last time you saw her?" The child pointed at a stall, because of a market ongoing right now, which meant it was very crowded. 

The child and I went to the stall they had pointed at "Can you hold my hand? I don't wanna get lost again while looking for my mom" "Of course, why would I let go of your hand?" At this point, the child was shaking in fear "Calm down, we will find your mother as soon as possible" After I said that, a woman started shouting "Akiro! Akiro! Where are you?!" "Is your name Akiro?" The child nodded and I led them to the shouting voice.

"Thank you for thanking care of my child while I was nowhere to be seen in the big crowd" "You're welcome ma'am" "How can I repay you?" Repayment came out of nowhere "You can repay me  with nothing, you don't need to repay" I said before walking away, looking for Kanade in  such a big crowd was hard. 

"Ow!" I heard someone say, I look for the voice and it was another child "Are you okay?" "No, it somewhat hurts and my father left me here!" Her dad just left her? How weird "How about I cover that up for you then I can help you look for your dad?" "No! He told me to wait here!" "Ah, well can I cover that up for you though?" "Uhm, sure? Who even are you?" I didn't respond since I don't think she'd need to know my name.

I patch up the girl's wound "Wow, thank you stranger!" "You're welcome, I need to go now" I left, running through the crowd looking for Kanade. After a while I finally found Kanade, she looked lost like a child "Kanade, I finally found you" "Oh hi Mafuyu, why exactly did you want to go here? It's pretty crowded" "I didn't expect it to be this crowded that's why" "Oh makes sense, we should go to some stalls right?" "Yes, we should do that"

We walked to the nearest stall from where we were standing, the stall had cookies "Do you want cookies? I'm gonna buy some for my mom" To be honest, I didn't want to waste Kanade's money "Sure, I'll pay" "No I invited you here so my treat" "Ah, are you sure? I have the money to pay for it" "yes, I'm sure" "Hi, can we 2 dozens of cookies?" "Of course! That'll be 1500 yen" I pay 1700 yen and we go to the next stall.

After many stalls of not us wanting anything from, I saw the same little girl that I had cover the wound of. "Hi again, where's your dad?" "I.. I don't know, it's almost been 2 hours since I've waited here..." Did her dad just abandon her? "Mafuyu, who's that?" "Oh, that's a girl I helped before you came here" "Oh, well little girl, how about you hold my hand and we'll go find your dad together?" Kanade is good with kids? I didn't know that "Uh, I don't trust you enough, but is it okay if you just look for my dad and bring him here?" "Of course, but do you have a photo of him so we know what he looks like?" The girl shows a photo of her and her dad "Alright, we'll find him for you, just stay here" "Alright!"

"Kanade, do you wanna help look for him and come back here together in this spot?" " Sure, but I have question" A question? What kind of question could it be? "How come there's so many kids getting lost in this big crowd?" "I'm not sure, but we could at least help the children" "Okay, see you later here?" "Yes, see you" Kanade and I went separate ways to look the girl's father.

I went to the other side of the park, asked people if they had seen a man with light brown hair and mustache, they all said no. Almost when I gave up, I found him "Hi sir, are you looking for you daughter?" "Yes! I forgot where I told her to stay" How does someone just forget where they placed their child? "Alright, I saw her while ago. I could lead you to her" "Alright thank you" I led the man to his daughter and call Kanade on the phone to tell her that I had found him and we should meet where we saw the young girl.

"Thank you, how can I ever repay you?" "I don't need repayment, just take care of yourself and your daughter, goodbye sir" I walk away with Kanade to a stall, I was slightly annoyed by the amount of kids that were just left behind by their parents like who would leave their kids behind, even if it wasn't the parents' fault, they should still keep a good eye on the child. Kanade could tell I was annoyed and calm me down, I don't know she did it but she did. 

The stall that I walked to had juice, like orange, watermelon, and lemon. Though I was uninterested in buying it, Kanade wanted some "Kanade, do you want one?" "Yes..." "I already told you, my treat. You can get it" "Alright, can I have one orange juice?" Kanade said to the person selling it juices, the person prepares the juice "That would be (idk) yen" I pay the yen for Kanade's juice.

It was getting a bit late, so I decided to invite Kanade to eat dinner with me at a restaurant and she agreed, we go in a nearby restaurant. It was very fancy, her and I sat down while waiting for the food, we decided to talk about the school rumors, they were growing bigger and bigger ever since last month. The waiter finally came and asked what we wanted to eat, we said our orders and the waiter went off, we then continued to talk while waiting for the food. After a while the food came and we ate.

After we finished eating, we decided to walk around the park for about 15 minutes. After the walk we decided to sit on a bench and talk again about something, there was no focus on what topic we were talking about. It was 9 which meant I needed to go house "Kanade, I need to go home" "Oh, alright, see you tomorrow at school then?" "Yep, see you tomorrow then" 

I finally arrived back home and enter "I'm home" "Mafuyu welcome back home, how was your hang out?" "Good" "That's good then, you should study for your upcoming tests" "Alright.." Though I wanted to rest for a bit today, I was being told to study which I didn't care about, I will become a doctor for my parents. I studied and studied for a bit til it was 11 pm, I decided to use a bit of this time to text Kanade, but she was offline and I didn't want to bother her so I didn't text her instead I went to sleep, dreaming about being a doctor for a my family, I of course still wanted to be a nurse rather than a doctor, but if it's for my parents, I'll be a doctor for them.

I'm failing in my own native language help. Also next chapter is the next day which is monday, this chapter is sunday if you didn't know

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