Part 3

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Porsche and Aspen were sitting on a bench in front of the hospital when Aspen's phone started ringing.

"It's Macau." She said as she checked who was calling her.

"Answer, it might be urgent," Porsche told her and she took the call.

"Aspen, Venice won't stop crying. Help me." Macau said on the phone.

"Open your camera and give him the phone, please." She demanded.

"Baby, why won't you listen to Uncle Macau?" She asked as the phone was handed to Venice.

"Papa! I want pa." Venice shouted, still crying. His eyes were red and puffy. He really is a little replica of Vegas.

"Let's go inside, maybe Vegas can help," Porsche suggested.

They went inside and luckily Vegas was sitting before Pete's room on one of the chairs.

"What?" He asked as he saw their faces.

"I have Venice on the phone because he won't stop crying. He wants Pete, Vegas." His sister explained.

"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"

"Just talk to him," Porsche told him.

"Give me the damn phone." He took the phone and started talking to his son as Porsche and Aspen went to check on Pete.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Porsche asked his best friend.

"Good. Except for the fact that I lost three years of my memory." Pete responded.
"Can you tell me about my life now?" He continued.

"Yeah, what do you want to know about?" Aspen

"I married Kh- Vegas. So do we live in the minor mansion?"

"No, we sold that place when Dad died."

"It was kind of depressing," Porsche added.

"You mentioned a child earlier." Pete blurted out.

"Mhm, his name's Venice. He's three years old." Porsche chuckled.

"Can I ask, who are his parents?"

"You and Vegas." Aspen and Porsche said in unison.

"No, I mean his real parents," Pete repeated.

"Oh, we don't talk about them." Aspen looked down.

"Why were they bad people?"

"It's hard to explain." Porsche chimed in.

"Do you remember my father having a new 'wife'?"

"Yes, but I don't think I remember her name."

"Well, she got pregnant, and a month after our father died she gave birth to a baby boy. She left the hospital hours later and Dr. Top called you and Vegas, to see if you could take the baby in since Vegas and him are related. You felt bad and adopted him. That's all there is."Aspen explained.

"Wow, so he is yours, Macau's and Vegas'  half-brother."

"Yes and Porsche and Chay are our cousins." Aspen laughed, and Pete's eyes widened again. How much has happened in just three years?

"Not by blood though." Porsche interrupted.

"How come?"

"Well, we found out that our mother was adopted by their family, so she was basically Korn's and Kan's sister. Adopted, not related by blood." He told him as the door opened and Vegas came in with the phone in his hands and silent cries could be heard.

"What, did you manage to calm him down?" Aspen looked at her older brother. He only shook his head in return.

"Venice, you can't talk to pa right now, he's sick." Vegas tried to reason with his son.

"No, I want Pa!" Venice was still shouting as he was before.

"I can try and talk to him, it's no big deal," Pete said extending his arm to Vegas so he could give him the phone.

Vegas was in doubt for a second and wasn't sure if it was a good idea to give Pete the phone. But in the end, he gave him the phone.

"Pa!" Venice screamed as he saw his pa. His eyes lit up.

"Hey-hey Venice." Pete stuttered as he didn't know what to call him or say to him.

"Is Pa okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. Just a little sick, that's all." Pete talked to his son and Vegas admired the sight before him. His little family is together again.

"You can come by the hospital tomorrow if you miss me that much." Pete declared.

"Pete, are you sure that's a good idea? You still need to rest." Vegas got concerned.

"I am resting, I'll be fine," Pete assured.

"Okay, enough now Venice, you need to go to bed." Macau tried to get his phone back, but his nephew didn't let him.
"You already saw Pa, Dad, and Na, now say goodnight." He added.

"Night, night." Venice greeted sweetly.

"Night, night sweetie." Vegas smiled and Pete followed saying goodnight to his son.

Macau disconnected the call right after and Vegas gave Aspen her phone back.

"Well then we'll go home too," Porsche spoke first and Aspen nodded.

Pete was in shock because he couldn't believe what he just saw. Vegas hugged his little sister and gave her a kiss on the forehead before she left. That was a new thing for him, seeing Vegas' good side.

"Vegas? What happened with Aspen?" Pete asked after they left the room.

"You mean why she has that scar on her neck?"

"Yeah, it looks fresh."

"It is, it's from two weeks ago. She was in the accident with you." Vegas explained.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Pete started.

"Why, it's not your fault. It's the other driver's fault." Vegas assured him as he did with his sister two weeks ago.

"Pete? Can I hug you?" Vegas asked and Pete felt strange, but he let Vegas hug him. Vegas inhaled the familiar scent Pete always had. He missed this, he missed him.

"Can I stay here, with you?"



Pete gave up and let Vegas hug and cuddle him for the whole night. At first, he thought that he wouldn't fall asleep, but he did. He immediately fell asleep and slept through the whole night. He felt warm and comfortable in his embrace.

As for Vegas, he finally got a good night's rest. As soon as he closed his eyes and snuggled Pete closer to his chest he immediately felt at peace, he was home, but the home was missing something.

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