Extra: Baby

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"Do you really want to go with us, baby?" Kim asked his fiancé.

"Yes, you know I love children, it's gonna be fine," Chay responded.

"Okay then let's go," Aspen said.
"Mr. Theerapanyakul, Mrs. Theerapanyakul nice to see you again and you must be Mr. Kittisawasd nice to meet you." The woman in charge of the center said as she shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you too ma'am."

She led them to the kids and Kim was the first one to speak.

"Were there any new ones taken in recently?"

"Yes, just yesterday a little boy was found on our doorstep." The woman answered.

"How old?" Aspen asked.

"About a week old." She replied.

"Alisa, bring the baby down!" She continued, yelling for someone to bring the kid down from the nursery.

"Alisa is about your age, she used to be an orphan staying here in the center and now she works here." The woman introduces the girl that brought the boy to them.

"Kim, he's so cute look at him. Can I hold him?" Chay asked the girl.

"Yeah, sure. Do you know how to hold a baby?"

"Yes." He said and she handed the baby to him.

"He really is cute, right Kim?" Aspen looked at her cousin who was looking at his fiancé in awe. He was mesmerized by the view before him and only nodded.

Aspen laughed as she saw the look on her cousin's face. That face she knew very well, was the same one that Vegas wore when Pete was with their son.

"Mr. Kittisawasd would you like to meet the other kids?" Alisa asked.

"Sure, oh, and call me Chay, please."

"Okay, let's go, would you like to go with us Kim, Aspen?" Alisa looked at the two cousins. And led Chay to the other kids after the other two shook their heads.

"The kids really enjoy whenever you stop by even if it's just for a few minutes." The woman said as they sat down.

"Would you like something to drink?" She added.

"No, thanks," Aspen responded as Kim was looking at Chay who was playing with the kids not far away from them, still holding the baby in his arms.

After a few minutes, the kids and Chay came over to them and Chay asked his fiancé to hold the baby while he played the guitar for the kids.

"I can play the guitar if they want to," Kim said afraid that if he held the baby something would go wrong. Maybe he would start crying or worse maybe Kim would drop him.

"Nothing is going to happen, Kim, you won't drop him," Chay assured the older one. They knew each other a little too much. It was like they were reading each other's minds all the time. Aspen hated it sometimes, it made her feel like she was single.

"Well, what if I do drop him, can't Aspen or someone else hold him?"

"But I want you to hold him" Chay pouted as he knew that Kim could never resist his puppy eyes.

"Please hold him." He whined again.

"I don't even know how to hold a baby," Kim argued but to no avail. Chay knew what he was doing.

"Yes, you do. You held Venice before." Aspen retorted and Kim glared at her, a look that said 'who's side are you on?'. She wasn't on any side but it was always fun to tease her older cousin.

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