Part 13

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The day of the wedding came in an instant. Everyone was rushing around doing their assigned jobs of the day. And it was a mess, to say the least.

Aspen thought she had everything under control, and knew where everyone was until she didn't.

She was sitting on a couch with Pete in the room where Chay was getting ready. Porsche had just gone out to see how everything was going in Kim's room, leaving the three alone in the room.

"You're stressing too much, Chay." Aspen tried to stop his pacing.

"I'm nervous. I mean what if everything changes after we're married?" He admitted.

"Nothing will change, trust me. Plus you already act like you're married, you live together and you just adopted a baby." Pete assured him.

"You think so?"

"Yes, I mean Vegas hasn't changed much, so..." Pete trailed off.

"You're right. Wait, what do you mean Vegas hasn't changed? You don't know...I mean you shouldn't know...I mean...unless..." Chay looked sternly at Pete and Aspen laughed, watching the interaction between them.

"Yes, Chay, your assumptions are correct. Pete remembers."


"Yes, I remember everything." Pete smiled and Chay was over the moon with happiness, not only because he was marrying his so-called soulmate.

"Why didn't you tell us? Does anyone else know?"

"No one else knows but you and Aspen. And I didn't tell you because I only remembered yesterday and didn't want to ruin your special day. It's yours and Kim's day, Chay. I can tell them after the wedding."

"I don't mind, it's good news."

"I know, Chay but I'll still tell them after the wedding. Promise not to tell anyone about this?"

"I promise."

"Thank you."

At that moment Tae burst through the doors, looking around the room and catching his breath.

"Everything okay, baby?" Aspen asked concerned for the younger.

"Can you come out for a second?" He voiced out, still a little breathless.

"Of course, darling."

"What is it?" She asked once they were in the hallway and Arm and Pol were in front of them.

"First is that the priest is stuck in heavy traffic and will probably be running late," Tae explained, trying to kind of stall the bigger news.

"And the second one is...?"

"We can't find Khun Vegas," Pol answered in a hurry.

"What!? What do you mean you can't find him?"

"I checked everything, he's totally MIA," Arm told her.

"Who's MIA?" Everyone turned to look at the person who spoke, Pete.

"Pete..." Aspen hesitated, not knowing what to tell him. How could she tell him that his husband was nowhere to be found, in other words missing?

"Tell me the truth, Aspen."

"Vegas is missing."

"No location found?" He asked, turning to Arm.

"No, he left his phone at the mansion and he ditched his car in the middle of nowhere," Arm explained.

"Show us the location where he ditched it," Aspen ordered and he instantly showed it to them on his tablet.

"That's..." Aspen began but couldn't find the words to finish her sentence.

"The road leading to the safe house." Pete finished her sentence.

"You think he's there?" Tae asked.

"He's definitely there," Aspen responded.

Pete didn't know what to say or what to do. Vegas was at the safe house, probably reliving everything that happened there and it was totally Pete's fault.

"Should I send someone there?" Pol asked, snapping Pete back to reality.

"No, I'll go there myself."

"You don't need to, Pete. As Pol said, we can send someone else." Aspen worried. It was bad enough that Vegas was there but with Pete going back there too, she didn't know what to expect.

"I know, but it's my fault and I need to fix it. I'm going and you can't stop me."

"Fine, but at least take some bodyguards with you." She tried to reason.

"I will but they stay behind when I get there."


"The car's ready," Arm announced.

"Thanks, Arm." Pete thanked him.
"How long do I have?" He looked back at Aspen.

"The ceremony is supposed to start at five, the drive there is almost an hour, it's now one p.m., so you should probably make it with at least an hour to spare." She explained to him.

"Plus the priest is running late." Tae jumped in adding a little detail.

"Okay, thanks, I'll make it quick."

"Be careful and don't speed. Also, take his suit with you and make him dress in the car. And absolutely NO funny business. Got it?" Aspen gave him a stern look.

"Got it, boss." With that, he left and everyone resumed what they were doing. Aspen only hoped Pete would make it there safely and bring Vegas back with him, in time for the wedding ceremony.


I didn't mean to take so long with this chapter. This writer's block is gonna kill me 😔.

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