Goldfinch and Green Arrow...and...?

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"Will you stop staring at me?"

You scowled at the wide-eyed look on Roy's face, the same look he'd had since that afternoon. Your annoyance had been made quite clear, yet Roy couldn't bring himself to just drop all interest in what you had done. 

At around six in the evening, the two of you were in an escort vehicle on your way to the United States Marine Corps Base after your brief hour-and-change flight. Ever since leaving the manor, you and Roy were decked out as Green Arrow and Goldfinch, and you had to admit, it was incredibly odd seeing Roy clad in the blonde wig and green suit. Roy felt the same about you, at a much more extensive level. He couldn't stop his masked eyes from returning to your new form, no matter how many times he looked away. The black, open-collared full-body catsuit with a yellow bodice and gloves, knee-high boots, and black-painted lips to match your domino mask were quite the sight. But what was throwing Roy off the most were the bright lavender locks of hair roped into a messy braid, which was thrown over your shoulder and out in the fucking open for anybody to see. 

As Green Arrow, Roy knew he had to keep his composure and remember to play his role as best he could. The only problem was that he didn't want to look away from you--in a way that Green Arrow shouldn't be looking at his romantic partner's ward. 

So, rather than make the decision to move his attention from you, he did the next best thing he could think of. 

"Why do I keep staring at you?" he bellowed, shaking his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "Seriously, I leave you alone for an hour to go run an errand before this mission--which is incredibly important and League-level, mind you--and when I return, you've gone and done..." Roy dramatically waved his hands in the air, gesturing to your braid, "...this!" 

You hesitated for a moment before fully understanding what he was trying to do, and as ultimately annoyed as you were with his little act, you had no choice but to play along. You quickly pouted and yanked your hood up over your head before folding your arms tightly over your chest, eyes coming to rest on your reflection in the window beside you. 

"I don't get what the big deal is," you muttered, much thicker than your usual tone. If you were going to take on the rebellious, attitude-filled persona you and Roy had agreed on earlier, you were going to try and give it your all--despite how cringey it felt. 

"You don't--?! You-- W-- You don't realize what kind of damage this can do to your hair, do you?!" Roy whined, heaving out a deep sigh. "I swear, Black Canary and I are going to be hearing it from your parents when they find out--" 

"Shut up, will you?" you jabbed back, scoffing. "We're not even there yet, and you're already putting me in a bad mood." 


Both you and Roy looked ahead to the trio of military officers riding in the back with you, sitting on the bench across the cabin. The three officers, two of whom were of a lower ranking than the third, looked slightly uncomfortable in the awkward environment the two of you had established, while the third was looking between the two of you with a tight expression. He was clearly the one who'd interrupted you. 

After realizing he'd finally earned a moment of silence, he let out a light sigh before muttering a quiet, "We're approaching the gates. Please make sure to have your identification ready for the guards." You made a show of flashing the fake badge Dinah had given you--a replica of a Justice League of America member token--while "Green Arrow" rolled his eyes and pulled his own badge out of one of the pockets of his suit. 

The large truck rolled down the cracked asphalt road a little further before slowing to a stop in front of a multilayer chain link fence. You peeked out the window and noticed the large watch towers in the corner, along with a large field with an obstacle course somewhere in the distance and a parking lot full of military-grade tactical vehicles you'd never seen before. Upon approaching the guard post outside the fence, the driver rolled down his window and presented his identification, followed by the passenger. Soon after, you couldn't help but jump when the back doors suddenly flew open and two armed soldiers appeared outside, waving you forward. 

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