Girl Talks and Chick Flicks

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Updated: 2021.08.24

Zenith's design above ^^

Love all of you readers; thanks for the awesome votes and comments.  

~ ~ ~ 

After their "encounter" in the Arrowcave, you and Roy had headed off to the training room while Oliver and Dinah were upstairs, where you'd done nothing but spar for the following hour. In the total five rounds you'd had, you succeeded with a majority of three wins, though during the last match, Roy had bested you by delivering a kick to your side before slugging you in the face, ending the fight. Though it went unbeknownst to you, Roy, while irritated, had felt guilty about it; you, on the other hand, had stormed out of the training room, utterly pissed. 

You hadn't spoken to each other at dinner and spent the majority of the time shooting scowls at each other from across the table, which hadn't gone unnoticed by the adults. You then parted ways when dinner had ended, Roy heading back down to the Arrowcave for some target practice while you went up to your room to help Dinah set up for the "sleepover". The two of you were currently in your pajamas, eating popcorn and watching some chick flick on the flat screen above your dresser. 

"He is absolutely the most despicable human being on the planet!" you let out a frustrated groan as Dinah nodded, sitting on the edge of your bed while she braided your hair. 

"That goes for most men, sweetheart," she replied, "but hey, where would we be without 'em?" 

"Happy," you muttered, earning a snicker. 

"I guess you could look at it that way," she replied. "It sure would make life easier." 

"Hell yeah, it would," you replied, pulling your knees to your chest. "Hey, Dinah?" 


"Do you think. . . I mean, this might seem like a weird thing to ask, but do you think Roy likes me?" you murmured, your gaze fixated on the floor in front of you. "A-And, I don't mean like in a romantic way--do you think we could be considered friendly?" Dinah stopped braiding your hair and leaned forward a bit to catch a glimpse of your face. You weren't all surprised to see the purple bruise lining the bottom of your eye, just above your cheekbone, but she didn't bring attention to it as she let out a hum and sat back up on the mattress. 

"I don't know, hon," she replied quietly. "I mean, he doesn't seem to hate you or anything--" 

"Anymore," you interrupted, the look on your face hardening. Dinah sighed, nodding lightly. 

"Well, yeah," Dinah mumbled, "but you two seem to be getting along a lot better than you did at first. You tolerate each other more." 

"You really think so?" you replied, absentmindedly running a finger over your bruised eye. "I mean, h-he called me his friend before, but I didn't know if it was just because he wanted to get me off his back or something. He seems to be taking this whole partner thing super seriously, but there are times when he'll just go off and do something that a partner wouldn't--shouldn't--do. . ." 

"Like what?" Dinah asked, and you hesitated as you shoved a handful of popcorn into your mouth. 

I need to be careful about what I say. You took a deep breath before replying with, "I-I heard that he knew about my mother escaping from Arkham--" 

"You know about that?" Dinah interrupted, immediately apologizing for absentmindedly yanking on your hair. You nodded, resting your chin on your knees. 

"So I guess it's true, then," you mumbled, sighing. "I know he said it was just gossip among the League, but it doesn't mean it was something that should've been kept from me. I mean, she's my mom! Of course I'd want to know if she was planning to break out of prison!" 

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