Racing Hearts and Utter Confusion

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Updated: 2021.10.15 

Prepare for the angst. 

* * * 

"Four hours, and she hasn't stopped shivering. . . " 

"Her fucking lips are blue. . . !" 

"Her pulse. . . we need to slow her heartbeat. . ." 

"She hasn't woken up yet. . ." 

"You both need to calm down! You freaking out does nothing to help her. . ." 

You let out a soft groan as the same voices kept bouncing around in your head. 

W-Where am I? 

You tried lifting your arm, but gave up when you found it wouldn't budge. 

Why can't I move? I don't like this. . . What happened to me? 

You did your best to rack your brain to try and think of how you wound up in such a state, and you couldn't help but whimper as both Zayne and Lindsey's demonic, threatening faces popped up in your head. 

"W-Why. . . ?" you croaked, your face contorting the slightest bit. 

"She's waking up." 

Roy? You let out another grunt as your eyes slowly fluttered open, and it took a second to make out three shadowed figures standing around you in a darkened room. It took another moment or two to realize you were lying in your bedroom, and Oliver, Dinah, and Red Arrow were standing around your bed, staring down at you with worried looks on their faces. 

"Guys, what's wrong?" you murmured, your voice strained and weak. "What happened?" 

"Oh, thank God," Dinah breathed, hanging her head as she took a seat on the edge of your bed. Oliver stepped up beside Dinah, placing a hand on her shoulder as he peered down worriedly at you. 

"How are you doing, kiddo?" He asked, giving her a weak smile. You shrugged, letting out a groan as a dull pain radiated from your shoulders and crept down your back. 

"I'm sore," you whispered, blinking heavily, "a-and I'm cold." As if on cue, a strong shiver rolled through your body, making you hunker down beneath your comforter despite the cries of protest from your pained muscles. 

"No paralysis, as far as I can tell," Dinah murmured, shooting Oliver a quick glance. "That's good. Her fever still hasn't gone down, but--" 

"Paralysis?" you mumbled, shaking your head lightly. "What. . . What do you mean? What happened to me?" The room became silent again as Oliver and Dinah exchanged a cautionary look before turning back to your confused expression. 

"(Y/N), do you remember anything that happened last night?" Dinah asked, gnawing at the inside of her cheeks. You looked away for a moment, brows knitting together. 

"Some of it, I guess," you muttered, sighing. "Red Arrow and I were going on a mission to IFLI, a-and Sparrow was already waiting for us. S-She had Wren with her, and when we tried to run away, we got stuck on the park bridge. Pheasant and Peacock managed to find us, but after I immobilized the two of them. . ." You trailed off, your eyes fluttering closed. "I'm sorry; I can't remember anything after that." You shivered again, letting out a small whimper. "W-What happened? Why am I s-so cold?" 

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