Uninvited and Unsavory

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Working With Red webcomic first drafts will be published soon.

Nightwing's torso jerked, and you rubbed calming circles across his back as he threw his head into the toilet basin in another fit of dry heaving. This particular situation was not exactly the ideal way to be spending your time at two o'clock in the morning.

"Don't tell me you caught whatever Roy has, too," you mumbled, letting out a heavy yawn. Nightwing only responded with a groan, and you pitied the ravenette when you felt his body trembling beneath your fingertips.

"Can I get you anything?" You tried again, eyes half-lidded to block out the fluorescents. "Lemme go ask Roy if he has any anti-nausea medication."

"I'd rather vomit," Nightwing croaked, shooting you a flat look before ducking back into the toilet with a gag. You rolled your eyes.

"Your pride might kill you first."

"Then let me...die."

"Well, the only thing I have are painkillers and fever reducers. Those won't help you." You resorted to lazily sliding your hand up and down the back of his neck, too tired to put in any real effort.

"I'm fine," Nightwing breathed, raking his fingers through his sweat-damp hair. You ducked your head a bit to catch a glimpse of his paling tone and frowned.

"Maybe you should try to splash some cool water on your face, or something..." you trailed off quietly when Nightwing glanced at you again. "You'd probably be a little more comfortable, too, if you took off your mask--"

"But then you'd have to leave," he murmured. "I'd rather you stay."

You readjusted yourself to sit cross-legged beside him after recognizing the building tension in his shoulders. As much as you wanted to reassure his identity would be safe and that he could trust your confidentiality, you decided against trying to push the issue further. Not only out of respect, but because you were too exhausted to spark another argument.

"Well, I'm willing to share my kidney beans with you," you replied with a tiny smile. Nightwing let out a rasped chuckle.

"Appreciate it, but I can't fathom the idea of putting anything in my stomach right now." After a few deep breaths, Nightwing finally gathered the strength to rise to his feet again with your help. You walked him to the sink and moved away to give him space. When his back was turned, you took a moment to rub tiredly at your bleary eyes with a muffled groan. What you wouldn't give to crawl into bed again for a couple more hours.

"You can go back to bed. I think I'm good, now." As though he'd read your mind, Nightwing spat out the water he'd been swishing in his mouth before meeting your gaze in the mirror.

"I don't mind. I was only sleeping, anyway," you mumbled jokingly. His dry chuckle almost had you rolling your eyes.

"It's fine. I'm going to take a shower, try to get myself to relax a bit. I'll join you guys in a sec." He flicked a hand toward the door to dismiss you, but you couldn't help feeling uneasy by how heavily he was leaning against the basin for support.

"Do you want me to bring you some extra clothes?" Your gaze shifted to his chest when he sucked in a shaky breath.

"Yeah, that'd be great. My bag is in my wardrobe," he replied, and you gave him a quick nod before slipping back out into the room and shutting the door behind you.

The dark room was difficult to navigate, even with the small beam of light spilling in from the window above your bed. You moved around as quickly as you could in the given conditions, and after finding the bag and passing it to Nightwing through the door, you waited until you heard the shower turn on before feeling your way back through the darkness. However, just as you were about to take a diving leap under the covers, your hand brushed the nightstand beside your bed, sending your phone falling to the floor with a clatter.

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