Urgency and Incoming

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The events following your rendezvous with the others was like a fever dream. You were present in body, standing among the trio at full attention, but your mind was anywhere else. Their voices echoed in your head as though you were underwater, mixing with the blood roaring in your ears as a result of your lingering adrenaline. 

You still couldn't believe what you'd accomplished. Nothing in your experience with the Arrows or during your previous interactions with the Council could have prepared you for the performance you'd just put on. Roy practically felt you buzzing in place as he struggled to maintain conversation with the officers. 

"Anyway..." The officer on the left pulled his hat over his head with a sigh, and the right mirrored the action. "We appreciate all you've done, both of you." His eyes landed on you, but you didn't respond. Your mind was clouded with white noise and static. "I will admit, your methods are... peculiar, but despite our many... many doubts and reservations, you somehow pulled it off. Well done, Goldfinch. Please send our highest regards to Black Canary when you return." 

Thankfully, Roy took the initiative to speak in your absence. "Thank you, I'm sure she'll be more than pleased to hear about Goldfinch's contribution. Oh, and I promise we will uphold our end of the bargain, so long as you get the clearance to send Pheasant back to Star City with us." 

The officer on the right offered a curt nod. "Like we said, we'll discuss it with the higher-ups and put in a request for a transfer, but considering the damage he's done... It'll be a fight, and it's my understanding that the three of you will be taking your leave in a couple of days." 

"Depending on Nightwing's condition, our departure time is subject to negotiation. It's safe to assume our mission will be put on hold for today until he recovers, but Goldfinch and I are more than capable of continuing in his absence. If he requires medical attention outside of what the base can provide, then--" 

"I apologize for the interruption, but I'm a bit confused," the officer muttered. "Now that we've discovered the source of the blackout, why do you need to visit the other locations?" 

Roy let out an empty chuckle. "I would still like to go just in case, as more of a wellness check than as part of the investigation. It makes for better reassurance that public matters are addressed, especially after such an issue was made about the potential breach of security for most of the listed facilities. Would tomorrow work instead?"

"Ah. Doing your civic duties, are we? One couldn't expect less from the Justice League." The officer presented a tight smile. "I'm sure an adjustment can be made. We'll do our best to adhere to any changes in your itinerary, and we'll push for a timely response about Phoenix's transfer request." 

"That would be great, thank you." Roy glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and almost scoffed at your unresponsiveness. "I would also like to make another request, if that's alright." 

The officer on the left cocked an eyebrow. "Considering your previous--" 

"I promise, this is much more attainable," Roy replied, letting out a dry chuckle. "It's just that, because Pheasant has been in contact with highly radioactive substances, I'm afraid Goldfinch's suit might have absorbed some of the radiation... if that's how it works, I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, if you guys could have someone... clean it, or de-radioactivity it, or whatever... just for peace of mind." 

The officers shared an inquisitive look before slowly turning back to the faux blonde. The left cleared his throat. "I... I think I get what you're trying to say. We'll have someone drop a containment unit by your room later. Just leave the suit inside and we'll pick it up and return it to you when everything's finished." 

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