Moving In and Misogyny

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Updated: 2021.08.04

Oliver paced back and forth in the foyer, awaiting the pair's return. He'd known Roy would've most likely reacted the way he did, but what Oliver hadn't expected was for you to run off without saying anything. Then again, he wouldn't have expected you to just sit quietly and listen to Roy's belligerent criticism. Honestly, he wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation; he only hoped Roy would find you soon and bring you back. 

He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled blonde hair just as the double doors were shoved open, revealing a scowling Roy and a mud-splattered you behind him.

"What happened?" Oliver questioned with a frown. You balled your fists at your sides and glared at the back of Roy's head.

"I was just following him back here like he told me to, and out of nowhere he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, and I ran into his. . . brick wall of a body! And then, I fell into a puddle!" You snapped, folding your arms tightly over your chest. Roy scoffed and whirled around to face you as he mocked your stance, folding his own arms over his chest.

"Maybe if you weren't clinging to my side like a lost child, you wouldn't have run into me!" He retorted before turning to Oliver. "Will you please reign this kid in before she hurts herself?" Oliver frowned, looking from you to Roy.

"She's hardly a child, Roy," he said, shaking his head. "She's only about year younger than you, you know." You cocked an eyebrow at the redhead.

"Really?" you muttered, earning a scowl.

"What, do I not look it, or something?" He asked lowly as he turned toward the staircase. Oliver headed after him, grabbing his bicep.

"No, that's not what I--"

"Roy, stop getting so defensive," Oliver interrupted, and when Roy pulled away, his hood fell from his head. You felt your lips part in surprise when he looked back to scowl at the blonde.

His eyes were the most stunning shade of crystalline blue you'd ever seen. Matched with the wet sun-kissed strands of orange hair hanging around the sides of his face, he looked almost breathtakingly gorgeous. Though completely flooded with frustration, they sparkled like the most vibrant topaz on Earth, and for some reason, you couldn't look away, not even when Roy's glare shifted to you. His face hardened. 
"What? What the hell are you staring at me for?" He growled, eyeing you carefully. You hesitantly blinked a few times as a deep blush graced your cheeks.

"I, uh, you. . ." You dumbly stuttered, pulling at the neck of you sweatshirt. You immediately shuddering when your fingers grazed something slimy, and the dull reality that you were still covered in mud settled back in. "Ew." You wiped the smear of mud onto your jeans. Roy's expression softened a bit, his eyes giving your muddy figure a silent once-over.

Her innocence is appalling, he thought to himself, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Makes you wonder if she's actually hiding something, or if she's really just a wimp.

"Let's get you a shower and some new clothes," Oliver piped up with a smile. Your lips quirked up the slightest bit before you suddenly gasped, whirling around to face the large front doors. 

"Oh, no." You let out a groan and turned to Oliver, who already had a questioning look on his face. The heat in your cheeks was left exposed as your gaze shifted to the floor. "My. . . my duffle is outside in your driveway. I put it on the roof of your car; all of my stuff is probably soaked by now." 

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