Ignorance and Introductions

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"Hang tight for a sec. There's someone I'd like you to meet first."

You nodded, pulling at the neck of your sweatshirt as Oliver slipped past the cast iron gate in front of you. The gate guarded the entrance to a wide driveway, which led to the opening face of a monstrous mansion in one of Star City's wealthier neighborhoods. Soft walkway lights illuminated Oliver's path, casting his shadow against the property's newly-trimmed lawn. He soon disappeared behind a wall of vines slithering up the outer fence, and your ears perked at the gilded door's hinges groaning as he entered the giant building. 

Minutes passed without his return, but you remained in place, shuffling back and forth aimlessly across the span of the sidewalk. You wondered who this unidentified individual might be; clearly, it was someone important enough for Oliver to ask you to wait outside for the introduction. Nervousness was creeping up on you, and the uninviting atmosphere was of no aid. Every one of your breaths elicited a faint cloud that lingered just ahead of you before being whisked away by the chilly autumn breeze. A shiver rolled down your spine, and you stuck your hands into the front pocket of your sweatshirt, where your fingers found the barrel of the .380 ACP resting inside. 

It's getting colder. 

Unexpected thunder rumbled faintly in the distance, drawing your attention to the evening horizon. Though a ways away, the sound was close enough to announce approaching rain; so much for a clear, temperate September. The restless sigh that escaped your lips was drowned out by another bout of wind. Leaves whispered, and strands of hair began grazing your cheeks as the trees lining the mansion's perimeter creaked and swayed under the same duress. How much longer would you have to wait? 


In a second, you whirled around and readied into a crouch, aiming the ACP you'd swiped from your pocket into the dark street directly behind you. A broken twig lay on the pavement a few meters away, and you quickly shifted your sight to the tree branches above. 

"Don't even try," a husky growl muttered. "Pull that trigger, and I'll drop you."

Your eyes widened as you lowered the gun a bit, peering into the darkness. The shadows prohibited you from identifying the source of the voice. 

"Scared? You should be," it taunted. The comment irked you, but as you briefly glanced down at your hands, you noticed their slight yet unmistakable trembling. You swallowed dryly and tightened your hold around the grip. 

"I'm not scared." It was almost embarrassing, how unconvincing you sounded. A low chuckle melted among the groaning of the heavy branches as another breeze swirled around you. You opened your mouth to call out again, but hesitated when a stiff creak suddenly split the air. It didn't sound like it'd come from the tree. 

What was that? 

"Of course, not," the voice mocked. "Now, put that thing on the ground." 

"Why should I--?" 

"Oh, trust me, sweetheart, you do not want to play this game with an opponent you can't see." Despite the deliberate refusal bubbling within you, you carefully weighed the disadvantages against you and decided it was best to comply. Slowly, you lowered the ACP to your side before placing it on the pavement. 

"Good girl. Now, drop the hood." 

You scowled but refused to move. 

"Do as I say!" The sudden brashness made you involuntarily flinch, and overwhelming caution you hadn't felt in a long time pooled in your gut. With a shuddered breath, you raised a hand to the back of your head, gripping your hood and pulling it down. You brushed away your bangs as they fell over your eyes, though your narrowed gaze remained locked on the darkness. Maybe it was foolish to reveal yourself so easily, but it was a mess you'd worry about cleaning up later. 

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