Unexpectedly Expected

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Edited: 2022.02.10 

She's my mother; if there's a connection between her and the Council, I should have the right to know about it!

Four days after your first encounter with Elizabeth, and you were still hung up on the fact that the League was withholding information about Poison Ivy's connection to the Council. 

After your argument with Batman earlier that week, you were surprised to receive a visit from Robin the following day. While you were happy to see the Boy Wonder after such a long time, you were somewhat irritated that he'd done nothing but pester you about your "secret crush", and asking you questions about daily life at Queen Estate. What surprised you more than anything, though, was when Robin had finished his visit by offering you a sort of medication that Batman, himself, had concocted. 

In the mandatory weekly reports Oliver had been making--an occurrence you'd had no prior knowledge of--he relayed to Batman about your reoccurring nightmares over the past few months. Batman had decided to take it upon himself to create a melatonin-like medication that would help you fall asleep without much hassle. 

While you were still beyond displeased with the Bat, as much as you hated to admit it, the medication had been working. You'd fallen asleep soundly the past few nights after taking the drug without any notable nightmares, and for that, you truly were thankful. However the drug had been leaving you rather groggy and aggravated in the morning--a minuscule side affect, compared to the relief it brought you. 

Within those four days, though, when you weren't struggling to fall asleep, you found it was easier to cope with the artificial frustration by beating the crap out of the BOBs in the training room, which was what you were currently occupied with. 

You'd been at it for the past two hours, and surprisingly enough, you felt great. Your chest was heaving, body dripping with sweat, knuckles busted and bleeding, and you felt absolutely amazing. With every punch, every kick, every attack you delivered to the inanimate object in front of you had the anger slowly oozing way; a great relief. 

Finally, after letting out a loud growl, you whirled around and rammed the heel of your foot into the BOB's nose, sending it flying backward a few feet before skidding to a stop on the other side of the room. Nodding in satisfaction, you then looked down at your injured hands, and released a groan when the pain finally began settling in. 

Your hands, already covered in scars from previous altercations, including the scar across your palm from the encounter with Cheshire and the adjacent scar from your fight with Zayne, were smeared with blood, which was seeping out of your raw knuckles. Rotating your wrists to examine the backs of your hands, you felt your mouth fall open a bit when you noticed the blood flow rapidly slowing until almost no fresh blood was visible across your skin. 

What the. . . You soon became utterly confused when the wounds on your hands began to close, the ruined skin slowly returning to its formal state before eventually scabbing over, taking away all of the pain that had accompanied the injury. 

"W-What the hell?" Your eyes widened as you lifted one of your hands toward the other, brushing your fingertips across the tops of the previously-injured knuckles. You then let out a gasp when the scabs brushed off as though they were never there, revealing the smooth, healthy skin underneath. 

Your face contorted as you frantically ran your fingers over the back of the other hand, shaking your head in disbelief when there was nothing to be found but perfectly healthy skin; as though you hadn't just beaten the shit out of a stiff mass of foam and rubber no more than two minutes ago. 

T-They're healed?! They were a complete mess just a second ago! Still wavering with shock, you hesitated for a moment before slowly raising your head to look at the wall-length mirror. You choked back a shriek at the sight of the peridot-green irises that had replaced her normal (E/C) ones, the unfamiliar gaze sending a shudder rippling down your spine. 

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