Sublimation and Status Quo

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Updated: 2021.08.12

You awoke with a jolt, hair sticking to your sweat-damp forehead as you shot up in bed for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.

Unlike Roy, who'd fallen asleep peacefully, you hadn't been so fortunate. You'd been restless the entire night, unable to sleep in your new and unusual surroundings, and the random noises of the mansion kept your every nerve on edge. Every sound seemed to resonate right beside you, causing you to be constantly turning over to monitor the darkest corners of the room. A few startles--including the most recent--had been because of a crash or bang loud enough to be heard from the other side of Star City. 

You rubbed at your heavy eyes and reached over to the nightstand to grab your phone, which, to your surprise, wasn't there. It took you a moment, but you eventually groaned, burying your face into your damp pillow after realizing your mistake. 

I left it downstairs with my gun. 

You pulled back the covers and swung your feet over the edge of the large mattress. Letting out a large yawn, you walked across your room to the door and pulled it open to reveal the dimly lit hallway.

Must still be early. You took a glance out the window at the end of the hall. It revealed nothing but darkness, not even graced by the hazy light of the streetlamps lining the sidewalk right outside. You then turned toward the stairs, holding onto the railing to avoid tripping as you quietly slumped down every step to produce as little noise as possible.

Upon reaching the foyer, you crept into the living room, eyeing the coffee table where you spotted your cell phone resting right beside the ACP. Making sure the coast was clear, you tiptoed past the doorway and approached the table. You scooped up your phone in one hand, the other grabbing the gun, and as you turned, you froze when the floorboards behind you suddenly let out a shallow creak. 

You were kneeling on the ground within the next second, phone falling to the floor as you aimed into the darkness with the gun in both hands. If you hadn't been awake earlier, you definitely were now.

"Geez, you are really jumpy, you know that?"

You quickly huffed out a sigh of relief and lowered the gun, picking up your phone from the floor and rising to your feet.

"Please don't do that to me," you muttered, shaking your head as you felt against the wall for the light switch. You flicked it on, illuminating the living room enough to see Roy perched on the first step in the foyer, a poptart hanging from his mouth. He was in his pajamas, but he seemed far more awake than you were; you honestly didn't find it too surprising.

"It was my house first. I shouldn't have to announce my presence just because you're scared of the dark," he replied, ignoring the crumbs that fell to the floor as he bit into the pastry. You averted your gaze, an embarrassed blush dusting your cheeks. 

He was right; it already felt like you were intruding just being in the same room as Roy. You were completely out of place here, but you had no intention of being forcibly exiled quite yet.

"I'm sorry," you muttered, readjusting the firing pin before placing the gun at your side. You took a quick glance at your phone. 

5:45? Why so early?

"You sure you need Ollie's help?" Roy said, drawing a confused look from you. He gestured to the gun at your side. "It looks like you know how to handle that thing efficiently, so why ask for Ollie's help?" You opened your mouth, but found it difficult to conjure anything to say without revealing crucial information you weren't exactly sure how to explain properly.  

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