Substantially Less Unlikeable Tramp

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Edited: 2022.02.10

As I mentioned prior to this update, please do not criticize or "cringe" at my use of multilingual phrases in Albatross' dialogue. It is part of her character, as you read in previous chapters. I will be deleting any comments that reflect poorly on my writing choices. Thank you. 

"I really don't like this little comm thing," you murmured, letting out a soft groan as you fiddled around with the device in your ear. "It feels weird." 

"GA said we needed a better way to keep in touch in case we have to split up," Red Arrow replied, reaching down to pull you up onto the roof of the building he was standing on. You accepted, letting out a grunt as you climbed up and rose beside him. "Now, we can keep in touch with the Arrowcave, too." You rolled your eyes as the two of you then turned and looked out at the city before you, the towering buildings casting shadows over the streets below. 

"It's kind of a relief that Green Arrow is just having us patrol tonight," you murmured, letting out a sigh as the evening wind lightly blew your hair from your face. "It kind of gives me a chance to see the city a bit more." 

"Yeah," Red Arrow murmured, his gaze drifting from the horizon to your profile. "It's been a while since I've done this; actually, ever since you moved in, I've only done it one other time." 

"Really?" You shot Red Arrow a curious look. "Why's that?" 

"Because we've been so preoccupied with other things," Red Arrow muttered as he took a seat on the edge of the roof. "The Council of Wings, your evaluation, Cheshire and the others; it's been a little overwhelming." You hesitated before joining him, one knee tucked to your chest while your other leg hung limply over the edge. 

"Yeah, I guess," you murmured, letting out a light chuckle. "Actually, now that I think about it, with the Council of Wings in town, I'm surprised the other villains haven't tried engaging in an all-out turf war." Red Arrow scoffed amusedly, shaking his head. 

"Don't jinx it. If they wind up fighting each other, we'll have to be the ones to break it up." 

A moment of silence passed between the two of you, which was filled with the natural ambiance of the bustling city below. You couldn't help but think about what the two of you had found at IFLI just a couple of days ago. It confused you as to why Jackson would have the need to visit Arkham. You'd come up with one or two possibilities, though none of them had enough leverage to become potential leads. 

Red Arrow let out a sigh as he reached over and placed a hand on your shoulder, and you shot him a curious look, which he returned with a shrug. 

"What?" He replied, a tiny smirk ghosting over his lips. Your eyes flitted to Red Arrow's hand before returning to his face, and you eventually turned back to the city, cheeks growing the slightest bit warmer. 

"Nothing," you mumbled back, pulling your knee up closer to your chest. 

"Aw, now, this is just too sweet." 

In an instant, you and Red Arrow were on your feet. A figure standing just a few feet away clad in a white hooded suit, grey pants, and black combat boots immediately caught your attention, and you gripped the Pantera in her hands as the figure slowly raised a hand to remove the hood from their head. Red Arrow let out a short grunt. 

"Albatross," he hissed, lifting his bow in front of him. 

"Tres bien," Elizabeth muttered, a coy smirk spreading across her face. "Et, maintenant, qui es-tu?" 

"Considering the relationship we have with your teammates, you should have figured it out," you snapped, and Red Arrow paused, shooting you a questioning look. 

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