Another A/N

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Update: Just skip, don't follow these instructions; the problem has been fixed. 

Okay, so, I've been getting a few complaints about a couple of the chapters in this book. The complaints state that parts of the paragraphs or sentences are getting cut off, or parts are repeating themselves, etc.

Please, if you're reading this: if this is happening to you, comment "fix me" on the parts in which this is occurring.

There seems to be a glitch in the book, because in my drafts, everything is perfect, but I'm trying to find a way to fix this.

If you guys could comment a "👌" or for those of you that use the website, an "okay", to confirm that you read this, it would REALLY help me 🙂

Thank you so much.


Last Edited: April 26, 2018 

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