Secret Files and Winged Things

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Updated: 2021.08.21

'Guns and Ammo' will for sure be the next chapter; pictures of all villains will be included in next chapter, too.

It was one-thirty in the morning, and you were downstairs in the Arrowcave. You'd waited until Oliver and Roy had gone to sleep before sneaking down into the facility to use the computers to look through the flash drive, seeing as you'd left your laptop back in Gotham. You knew you should've probably told Oliver about the drive--maybe even Roy--but you decided not to; Robin had trusted you with the information, and you were going to do all you could to study it before your mission. 

"Alright," you mumbled, puffing your cheeks as you took a seat in front of one of the many computer monitors. "Let's see, here." You wiggled the mouse in front of the middle one, which caused the screen to come to life. 

<Enter Password>

"Shit," you hissed. You then paused for second before typing in "1-9-5-8", which, to your dismay, didn't work. 

"Worth a shot." You then looked down at the desk in front of you, eyeing the multiple papers scattered across the desktop. There were sticky notes, notebooks with multiple scribbles all over the pages, crumpled up pieces of paper littering the surface, and to your surprise, shell casings. You let out a light groan before using the flashlight on your phone to look around. You eventually pushed a stack of printer paper to the side to reveal a sticky note stuck to the edge of the last monitor in the row. You narrowed your eyes a bit as you tried to decipher the messy handwriting. 

"'Ollie: last name + birthyear; so you don't forget'," you read, rolling your eyes. You then turned back to the monitor and quickly typed in Oliver's name before pausing. 

If I use Ollie's password, he'll know I was snooping around. You quickly replaced Oliver's name with your own and finished by typing in your own birthyear before hitting enter, crossing your fingers tightly. After a moment, the screen went dark before lighting up again, this time revealing a solid black home screen with a plain green arrow on the front. 

"I can't believe they actually gave me an account, and didn't even tell me," you mumbled, shaking your head in disbelief. You inserted the flash drive into the side of the monitor, and not three seconds later, a window popped up, revealing two lone files, one labeled "Council of Wings --> For (Y/N)'s eyes only", and the other "CoW - Restricted Access". You wasted no time clicking on the first file, and what popped up next surprised you. 

"A video clip?" you whispered, glancing over the edge of the monitor to look out over the empty Arrowcave. You then turned back at the monitor, taking a deep breath before pressing play. The rest of the monitor turned black as a new window opened up to occupy the entire screen, and you almost flinched as an image of Batman came into focus. 

"Hello, (Y/N); it's been a while," he murmured. You sat up straight, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear as you leaned in toward the screen. 

"If you're watching this, that means the transfer was a success," Batman continued. "I know sending Robin was probably not too ideal, but it was the only way I could ensure the files would reach you safely. Remember, this is information for you, alone; while Green Arrow may already know the majority of what I'm about to tell you, this information is still classified. Not only that, but there's a chance the Council of Wings knows Green and Red Arrow; for now, the information is safer with you. 

"There are files on this drive that contain all the information we've been able to obtain pertaining to the members of the Council of Wings. Because I am giving a copy of them to you, I trust you will keep it safe and not share this information with anyone; not Green Arrow, or Black Canary, or even Red Arrow." There was then a pause as Batman's image becoming smaller, now only occupying a small corner of the screen. 

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