chapter two: late night chat

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you walked towards her booth

"hey, the stores are about to close.", you lied.
you decided you were too tired to have small talk. you just wanted this girl outta here.

"oh...but I thought this place closed at 2?"

this girl...

"I'm closing the bar early. there's no one coming."

"don't you see the second sundae on the table? I'm waiting for my date."

you were getting irritated, "at midnight?"

"she had work in the morning and afternoon."

she? so she's fruity...

"well it's obvious she's not coming. the girl stood you up."

the brunette looked down, her hands fidgeting. "I figured."
you felt like you were being too mean
"her loss."
the freckled girl looked back up at you, "huh?"
you grinned, "look at you. you're gorgeous."
no lie there.
a smile appeared on her face
her smile was pretty cute too
you continued, "I'm y/n"
"I'm Jenna.", she eyed the second melting sundae.
"you want that? you can sit down if you want."

"eh, why not. free sundae.", you answered.

you and Jenna continued your conversation while eating your sundaes. you realized you both have similar tastes in things. same taste in music, clothing...

"I love talking to you but, it's getting late.", Jenna sighed
"oh yeah, it's almost 2 anyway."
Jenna grabbed her purse and stood up from the booth. you looked up at her, "how 'bout you come by again soon?"

she couldn't help but smile, "of course. bye y/n, I'll visit later next week."

Jenna walked out of the bar.
you stand and grab both sundae cups to clean

you were glad that she got stood up...


sundae sundays (jenna x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now