chapter three: i hate the rain

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"you working today, y/n?", your employee, kalynn, asked

"I'm just here to tell you guys that I'm having lunch with someone so...Casey is in charge."

Casey smirked, "you having lunch with Jenna?"

you didn't respond and immediately left your soda bar

you went inside your car and clicked on the address Jenna texted you

you laughed,
"the garden room again, huh."

you went inside the restaurant
it looked just as beautiful two years ago
you saw a girl walking toward you
she had black hair and was wearing a black crop with a blue jacket and jeans

you went inside the restaurantit looked just as beautiful two years ago"y/n!"you saw a girl walking toward youshe had black hair and was wearing a black crop with a blue jacket and jeans

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that girl was Jenna

"y/n!", Jenna ran and hugged you tightly

"ok, ok, let go before you kill me.", you pleaded

she let go and you stared at her hair
"black hair suits you.", you grinned
you looked at her neck and noticed the same seahorse necklace you were wearing

"you have one too?", you asked

"well duh. thought it'd be cute if we were matching. like, friends wise....obviously."

"let's just find our seats..."


you bit into your burger
"so, what are you doing after you've visited Atlanta?", you questioned

Jenna slurped her sweet tea, "just a bunch of interviews in Cali."


you couldn't think of any more questions so you checked your phone,
"ooh, heavy rain soon. we better finish eating."

Jenna frowned, "why?"

you replied, "I hate driving in the heavy rain."

"I get it."

"OH!", Jenna yelled

you got startled, "Jesus what happened?"

"I forgot! There's this really cute ice cream shop in my hotel I'm staying at.", she gleamed, "...would you...want to go with me?"

you groaned, "I can't. it's gonna rain soon-"
she interrupted you, "it's okay! it's just gonna be a quick dessert then you can go back home. please?"

it was as though Jenna put a spell on you
you didn't want to risk driving in the heavy rain,
but something about Jenna made you say...


you both walked up to the counter of the ice cream shop

"one hot fudge sundae and one chocolate ice cream cone, please.", Jenna said to the cashier

she whispered to you, "why didn't you want a
hot fudge again?"

"I don't like it anymore.", you answered


you both sat down
you started, "your hotel is nice. I've never seen one with its own ice cream shop before."

she giggled, "it's great, isn't it."

"so.", Jenna continued, "have you seen my new movies yet?"

you almost choked on your ice cream,
"Uhm. no?"

"What?", Jenna said, "not even the Atlanta one?"

"nope. to be honest, I was kinda hurt when you left so I didn't really wanna see your face.", you confessed

"damn.", she said, "yeah, I think we're better off as friends."

you both laughed

you looked at the window and gasped
you got up from your chair and ran outside

it was raining, super hard.
you pulled up your phone and checked the weather
thunderstorms and lightning in a few minutes
"FUCK!", you yelled

you went back inside the hotel
"y/n? you okay?", Jenna asked

"no!", you cried, "it's gonna storm soon and it's not stopping til morning."

you both sat down in the lobby
you saw Jenna fidgeting with her hands
"Uhm.", Jenna nervously said, "I think you'll have to..."

"don't say it."
your feelings for Jenna were just now can't just -

"you'll have to spend the night with me."

you collapsed on the floor

"I hate the rain."


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