chapter six: heart to heart (part 1)

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you were about to take Jenna back to her hotel but you realized it'd be dangerous by herself. you wanted someone to be by her side

"you're sleeping over at my apartment.", you told her in the car

"Great..", she groaned


you helped her walk up the stairs and into your room.
you took a bottle of water from the fridge and gave it to Jenna

"take it."


you both sat down on your bed

you thought about what Jenna said
it was super embarrassing but it was also...true?
you DID kiss Jenna and took the risk. YOU started this, and now you're trying to end it?

you wanted to be honest with yourself
did you...really wanna fall out of love?

what was better for your relationship with Jenna?
friends? lovers? neither....?

"is it okay if I sleep on your bed?", Jenna asked

"Oh, uh, sure.", you replied

"don't make it awkward like last time.", she giggled


"I saw you.", she mumbled, "you were looking at me while I was sleeping, you weirdo."

she grabbed the blanket, "but it was cute. you were looking at me like I was....i don't know, what's something that people like to stare at?"

"erm, the mona lisa?", you replied

she laughed, "yeah, you were staring at me like i was the mona lisa."

you chuckled, "go to sleep."
you were embarrassed that she caught you staring at her

your doorbell rang

"get some rest, I'll grab the door.", you said to her

you open the door
it was casey

"y/n! why'd you leave without telling us?"

"i'm sorry. jenna got super drunk and i wanted to take her home."

casey sighed,
"i heard what she said to you. back at the party."


"It's really nothing to worry about."

"y/n.", she grabbed your hand, " you...want to talk about it? just you and me."

you came close to tearing up



sundae sundays (jenna x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now