chapter nine: risk

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you looked inside every exhibit.
Jenna wasn't there
you went inside every gift shop

you grabbed your phone from your tote bag and called her
she didn't answer
"fuck.", you whispered

you couldn't comprehend what had happened
why did she run away? did she get too nervous? why did she say sorry?

you exited the aquarium and saw her sitting on the curb

"JENNA!", you yelled

she turned around and slowly stood up

you ran to her, "Jenna? what...what happened?"
you caught your breath, "did..did I do something wrong? Was it something I said? I'm so sorry-"

"y/n. calm down.", she finally spoke, "it's not your fault."

you felt disoriented, "so...what's going on?"

she sighed,

"I promised myself that I would just stay friends with you."

you frowned, "what?"

she continued, "I didn't want to fall in love with you. but then I gave in and asked you out for lunch and then you asked to go to the aquarium. I wanted to say no but I couldn't because I like you."

the sun was setting
the orange and red flaming into our skin

"...why aren't you allowed to like me?"

a single tear rolled down her cheek,

"I'm leaving Atlanta on Monday."

you felt your heart drop
"huh? what? why?"

Jenna tried wiping her tears away, but it was no use,
"we already wrapped up our film here for Atlanta.", she took a deep breath, "I'm going to Greece for another movie set."

What? Greece? That's a whole other fucking country!

you felt tears form around your eyes
she can't just leave?

"why did we even do this then?", you realized, "if..if YOU KNEW that you'd be leaving Atlanta soon then why would you play with my feelings?"

"..please..", Jenna sniffled, "I couldn't stop myself you were such an amazing person to hang out wi-"

you felt your throat closing up,
"I feel like I'll just...die. I can't live without you. I mean, ever since I met you, my whole world revolved around you."

"y/ matter how much I disagree with leaving you. I can't just ditch my role."

you wiped your tears. you had to be mature about this. you had to learn acceptance.

you finally spoke,

"we're already in this mess, right?"

Jenna slowly nodded

"you're not leaving till Monday."
you pulled her closer
the sun shined on her clear skin

"let's not waste our last two days together then."
you leaned forward

"you're making a mistake.", Jenna whispered, "it'll hurt even more when I leave."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take.", you replied

you rested one hand on Jenna's cheek, the other one touching her elbow
you softy pressed your lips against hers
Jenna's hands slid across your neck

You knew how busy Jenna was. You had to make your last moments with her memorable.


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