chapter two: back to square one

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the next morning you decided to wear the necklace to work.
it was cute and Jenna must've spent tons on it
you studied the seahorse
the details were amazing
but you huffed, "no matter what happens, I'm saying no to Jenna."

in the middle of your shift, you get a random phone call from


you hesitated to answer
but eventually gave in


"...hey, y/n"

you had goosebumps from hearing her voice for the first time in a while
for some reason, your mouth wasn't moving
you couldn't speak

Jenna continued, "did you get my package?"

you caressed your necklace,
"uh, yeah. thank you. it's very pretty."

"so, I'm coming back tomorrow afternoon. I...was wondering if you wanted lunch together..."

"say no, say no.", you thought

you sighed, "look, Jenna. I'm glad that we did all those things. but that shit was two years ago. did you think I was just...gonna wait for you like those cliché romances?"

you almost started tearing up but stopped yourself and carried on, "was I even ever on your mind until now? we barely texted and called."

"y/n, you were always on my mind. I was just so caught up with work that I barely had any breaks at all. none of that matters now, I'm coming back to Atlanta tomorrow! we can be together again."

you were upset that Jenna wasn't understanding you,

"but then you'll fucking leave again, right?"

she didn't respond

"I know you're really busy with your acting career, but visiting Atlanta once in a while for me isn't gonna work. I want a relationship where I can see her every day. not once every two years."

silence broke in

but Jenna finally spoke,
", you're right, y/n. I'm sorry for hurting you like this."
she took a deep breath, "let's just start over then, forget everything that happened two years ago, let's just be friends. I mean, the only reason why I'm visiting Atlanta right now is because of you."

you replied, "yeah...I guess that'd be okay."

she sounded relieved, "then let's have lunch tomorrow. just a regular, friend, totally not date lunch. please?"

you laughed, "if it's not a lunch date, then sure."


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