chapter three: surprised

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you waited for her at the soda bar on Monday.
she didn't show up
didn't show up

you wondered why you were thinking about Jenna so much
I mean, yeah she was really pretty but it was a one-time thing. but she DID say she was gonna visit this week.
you wouldn't wait any longer.

you look around the place, trying to find her.

"what are you doing?", Audrey, your coworker, asked.

you turned to her, "just...looking around."

Audrey raised her eyebrow.
you wanted to change the topic

"How was the funeral?"

why did I say that..., you thought

she frowned, "Uhm. did it went well? I guess?"


after your shift you immediately went home and laid on your couch. after dropping out of college, you're temporarily staying in your parents house until you find a stable job and apartment. you knew your parents were annoyed at you for it, but they still loved you.

you wished you asked for Jenna's number.
you replayed every moment you had with her.
"I have an obsession...", you said aloud

you started thinking to yourself

why didn't I ask her what she does? where does she work...or maybe she goes to college? that'd be a valid reason. if she goes to college she must be really busy. or maybe she forgot about me...

you couldn't stop thinking negatively

"was I even special to her..", you cried

it was 10:35 PM and you decided to watch some television.

"hm, jimmy Kimmel is on. don't mind if I do.."

as you were watching, jimmy
introduced another guest for an interview.

"our next guest will be playing a character known for her pigtails in the new Netflix show "Wednesday"
please welcome...

Jenna Ortega!"

"oh cool, that girl has the same name as soda bar girl."

the girl that played Wednesday entered the stage

you quickly sat up, "WHAT."

the girl from the soda bar is a popular actress?

I mean, it'd make sense that you didn't know. you've barely watched any new movies or tv shows. you just stuck with animated shows like regular show and rick & morty

you couldn't believe it
you couldn't wait to see her again
well, that's if, she ever comes to the soda bar again...


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